chapter sixteen

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rachel and sebastian sat talking to maggie and charles for several minutes they were mainly enquiring how sebastian's college course was going.

" rach can you come here a minute" kurt called from the kitchen.

" sorry" rachel said feeling awkward leaving his parents before heading to the kitchen.


" she is beautiful seb " maggie said as soon as rachel had left the room.

" she truly is... what is the situation are you together " charles asked a smile on his face as he did so.

" i think we are working towards been together " sebastian said

" im pleased she is a lovely girl and ambitious..." his dad was saying.

" i have something i want to give you without rachel knowing" his mom said reaching into her handbag before pulling out a small jewellery box.

"this was my mom's engagement ring and i had saved it for you for when you got engaged but you have bypassed that but if you and rachel do end up together i want her to have it" maggie said sebastian tuck the box from his mom opened it and looked at the stunning classic ring before quickly shutting the box and placing it into his pocket incase rachel walked back in which she did a moment later.

" do you have any photos" maggie asked them

" photos " sebastian said

" of your wedding" maggie asked

" no we were to drunk to take photos we dont even remember it" sebastian said his mom looked chest fallen.

" we should set up a photo session get some nice photos of the two of you" charles said

" yes thats a great idea and we can choose one of them to go onto the newslater" maggie said

" newsletter " rachel asked

" the westerville society newsletter " maggie said

" you cant up a photo of us in that until we now for certain what we want" sebastian said worried his parents were going to overwhelm rachel.

"we wont do anything without you both agreeing to it" charles said

" dinners ready" blaine called from the kitchen.

the rest of the evening was spent with sebastian rachel and klaine telling maggie and charles about their life in new york and their hopes and dreams for the future.

now it was time for maggie and charles to leave but before they did they handed sebastian four wedding presents and told him to open them later.

so now as they were leaving they hugged rachel goodbye while sebastian walked them out and was now stooe with them in the elevator.

" she is lovely " charles said

" yeah she is" sebastian said

"your smitten" maggie said

" mom" sebastian said

" seb i gave birth to you i know when your happy and when your sad and i know when your crazy about someone and you are crazy about rachel i cant tell by the way you look at her your eyes give it away" maggie said

"i love her " sebastian said

" oh sebby" maggie said hugging him.

" the feeling is mutual " charles said

" what" sebastian asked

" i think she loves you but i think she is weary and scared just give her time seb " charles said patting him on the back.

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