chapter fifteen

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now back at the loft rachel has just had a shower and is now trying to figure out what to wear she looks through her wardrobe wondering just what is the perfect i didnt mean to marry your son but we seem to have chemistry and seem to be heading towards dating outfit.

" need help" kurt said poking his head through the curtain rachel bit her lip kurt had a very unconventional dress sense but she had to admit she needed help.

" im freaking out kurt i picked out a dress for dinner but we are not going to dinner so what do i wear " rachel said kurt smiled and walked over to her and put his hands on her arms.

" rach look at me your beautiful they are going to love you i know the situation is awkward but i think we both know that sebastian has feelings for you their his parents they took the news of the wedding very well and i think that is because he has feelings for you. rach their going to love you they know the situation so its not like you have to tell them just relax and be yourself... now stand aside while i pick out the perfect outfit that will make them enchanted with you and put a smile on sebastian's face" kurt said

" thank you" rachel said

" i think as we are at home its important not to look to done up so i would say no to dresses how about then jeans you got last time we went out and that pink woolen sweater with the glitter threaded through it. casual yet chic and make up natural not over done hair i would say up in a ponytail so its out of your face so they can see what a pretty wife on has" kurt said

half an hour later

rachel was stood in her room freaking out she was dressed and had to admit the outfit kurt suggested did look good she looked like she had made an effort but wasnt overly dressed.

then she heard knocking on the door she felt like she couldnt breathe she was so nervous she paced her room trying and failing to calm down.

she head voices this was it she felt even more nervous of having to walk out and everyone looking at her...then the curtains opened and sebastian walked in.

" you ok" he asked

" im nervous... are they here" rachel said

" no their not here yet but they are on their way so they wont be long it was mrs jenkins from downstairs who knocked a letter for blaine had been put in her post box she brought it up. dont be nervous they are coming tonight as their excited to meet you they know the situation so dont be nervous" sebastian said

" i cant help it" rachel said sebastian walked over to her.

" look at me your look beautiful its going to ok" he said as they heard knocking.

" thats them i can tell my dads knock" sebastian said he took her hand and lead her out of her room.

" shall i answer the door" blaine asked

" yeah" sebastian said he walked into the middle of the living room and let go of rachel's hand instead put his arm around her he rubbed her side as blaine opened the door.

" hello" blaine said warmly.

" hello " a voice said and in they walked his dad who looked like an older sebastian and a woman who had his eyes. they were carrying a number of bags including a bouquet of flowers.

"hey mom... dad" sebastian said his parents turned and saw him and then their eyes fell on her.

" hi" rachel said shyly.

" hello its lovely to meet you" his mom said walking over and surprised rachel by pulling her into a hug.

" mom this is rach rach this is my mom maggie " sebastian said as his dad walked over having put all but the flowers down and hugged sebastian.

" hey dad" sebastian said

" hello son and hello my dear" his dad said also hugging her.

" this is my dad charles" sebastian said

" these are for you" charles said handing the flowers to her.

" thank you" rachel said

" why dont we all sit down" sebastian said

" would you like a glass of wine" kurt asked

" that would be lovely " maggie said and kurt and blaine headed to the kitchen rachel sebastian and his parents went and sat down. rachel was still netvoys she had met finns mom before they dated he hadnt met jesse's parents or brodys so this was new to her.

" sebastian told me your on broadway" his mom said

" yes im in rehearsals for westside story " rachel said

" sebastian always said you had the best voice he had ever heard even back in high school" charles said rachel blushed.

" she is incredible" sebastian said

" here we are" kurt said as he and blaine handed out the wine glasses out.

" thank you" charles and maggie said to them.

" right we will be going it was nice to meet you" kurt said

" oh no please stay dont go because we are here" maggie said

" we could make dinner" blaine said

" sounds good to me" charles said

" would you like a hand" maggie asked

" no its ok you sit back and relax" blaine said he and kurt went into the kitchen.

" so when does the show open" charles asked

" we only started rehearsals this week so it could be three to four months before we open" rachel said charles nodded

" i hope we will be on the guest list for opening night" charles said

" oh yes we love broadway thats why sebastian can dance as soon as he could walk we enrolled him in tap class and ballroom lessons" maggie said

" maggie is a former actress herself" charles said warmly looking at his wife.

" nothing as amazing as broadway " maggie said.

"wait a minute your the girl from funny girl seb tuck me to see that last year" charles said a moment later like it had just clicked.

"yeah i wanted to surprise him for his birthday while he was in town on business " sebastian said

" and you tuck him to watch her" maggie said smiling at sebastian who rachel saw started to blush. both his parents looked at each other then smiled at sebastian.

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