chapter ten

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that afternoon rachel has her laundry basket in her hands and his heading to the elevator  the doors open she walks in the doors start to close only a hand appears causing the doors to open and in walks sebastian carrying a laundry basket.

" hey" sebastian said

" hey" rachel said

they made their way to the laundry room in their apartment building it was deserted as they entered the room.

" ooh looks like we are alone" sebastian said as he started putting his clothes into his washing machine.

rachel set about doing the same they were silent for a few minutes both sorting their clothes out.

" i talked to my parents" sebastian said

" were they mad " rachel asked

" no they were ok with it  actually... they want to meet you they want to have dinner next week" sebastian said

" oh" rachel said

" its ok if you dont want to" sebastian said

" do they know how it happened " rachel asked

" yeah" sebastian said

" ok" rachel said

" great they will be pleased" sebastian said they fell silemt again for a few minutes.

" so you still planning to tell your dads later " sebastian asked

" yeah." rachel said

" you really are worried about they reaction aint you well take it from me my parents didnt react the way i thought they would so you never know your dads might surprise you" sebastian said

once their clothes were washed and dried they headed up to the loft as they stood in the elevator rachsl remembered his hoodie.

" here" rachel said placing it on top of his basket he gave her a funny look as she did.

jist as they reached the loft her phone started to ring but given she was carrying a basket of clothes she cpuldnt get it out of her pocket so as she entered the loft she placed her basket down andguck out her phone.

" you ok" blaine asked seeing her face.

" its my dad" rachel said before taking a deep breath and answering the call whilst walking to her room for privacy.


" think i will make dinner tonight " sebastian said before walking to his room to put his own laundry away.

as he passed rachel's room he could hear her crying he wondered whther he should go in or not but figured she might not want him to know she was upset.

he made his way to his room and set about sorting through his freshly cleaned clothes he saw the hoodie he picked it up and walked over to to where he kept his cologne and sprayed some on it.

he then put it on his bed and sorted the rest of his clothes out whilst he was doing that he heard rachel leave her bedroom.


rachel walked through to the living room where kurt and blaine were sat cuddled up but they broke apart when they saw her.

" you ok" blaine asked as they both got up and hugged her.

" what did they say" kirt asked

" it was hiram amd he didnt say anything but he shouted alot said i was ruining my future said i was stupid he didnt listen to anything i had to say but said he had never been so disappointed in me before" rachel said

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