chapter fourteen

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kurt and blaine were walking down the street towards the loft after kurt's shift at the diner had finished santana had left telling them that she was staying with a friend they hope she hadnt returned to the loft. they also hope that rachel is ok after santana had tutned up and found out about the marriage.

" i hope rach is ok lets face it santana usnt exactly tactful " kurt said as they reached the door to the loft blaine unlocked it and they walked in.

" blaine " kurt whispered blaine turned to look where kurt was pointing and he saw rachel and sebastian cuddled up fast asleep on the couch. rachel's head resting on his chest with his head resting on her hair and his arms around her.

" awe" blaine said before pulling kurt into their room so they didnt wake them up.

the next morning


sebastian woke up his neck aching it was only as he opened his eyes he realised he was still on the couch and tbat rachel was still fast asleep snuggled up to him there was a blanket over them which he suspected was put there by blaine.

he watched her sleeping her breathing steady ber dark eyelashes occasionally fluttering he knew he had to get up and start getting ready for college but he couldn't bring himself to move andwake her up. thruth was he enjoyed having her snuggled up to him and despite the fact his neck ached he had slept better than he had the past few nights.

last night had been amazing after santana left and they had spoken they had made out for a long time before ssitting cuddled up watching tv. he found himself staring at her lips thinking of their kiss last night.

" morning" he heard blaine whisper he turned slowly not to wke her up.

" morning" sebastian said with a smile on his face.

" do you want coffee" blaine asked

" i always want coffee" sebastian mouthed back.

"mmm" rachel made a noise he turned to watch her stir she opened her eyes and looked surprised to be innthe living room she then turned to face him. his heart was racing he hoped she would freak out and run off to her room.

" have we been here all night" she asked sleepily.

" yeah" sebastian said smiling at her she looked at him for a moment before smiling back.

" two strong black coffees" blaine said handing them they mugs to them.

" thanks " rachel said

" and thanks for the blanket " sebastian said

" its kurt you should thank for that" blaine said

a short while later

after drinking their coffees rachel had gone to shower and then to her room to get dressed sebastian showered and dressed and was now pouring himself another coffee.

" so" blaine said sebastian looked at him but didnt say anything he poured the coffee but couldn't stop the grin on his face.

" what happened " blaine asked

" we talked we kissed..." sebastian said stopping to remember it.

" so are you two..." blaine started to ask.

" not yet but  i think we are moving towards been together " sebastian said

" morning" kurt said walking in the grin that kurt did that usually irritated sebastian didnt bother him this morning he smiled back.

a short while later

it was now time for them to leave to hesd off to college the four of them made their way out of the building and blaine linked kurts arm and pulled him a little down the block.

" so i will see you tonight" sebastian said

" yeah" rachel said sebastian leaned down and kissed her cheek before heading off in the opposite direction.


rachel watched him walk downnthe street until he turned the corner and she could no longer see him she them turned to find both kurt and blaine stood looking at her with oh that was so adorable expressions on their faces.

" shut up" rachel said blushing as she walked over to them they both linked her arms as they headed for the subway.

it was after lunch when rachel felt her nerves kick in as tomorrow was when she and sebastian were to have dinner with his parents. as the dance teacher showed them the routine they had to learn rachel looked down and saw she was  playing with her wedding ring.

that evening

as rachel reached her dressing room once rehearsal was over for the day she walked in to find a beautiful bouquet of pink roses waiting for her she saw there was a card and picked it up.

i know things are still complicated
but last night was amazing just been
sat their cuddled upto you. hope you have
had a lovely day i have i havent stopped
seb xx

rachel reread the card a few times before smiling to herself she had to admit to herslef last night something changed she had felt awkward around him since what happened but last night she felt so comfortable with him and she had butterflies as she wondered if he was waiting outside like he had the past two nights.

she got changed and then picked up the beautiful bouquet and headed out of her changing room to see blaine waiting for her he looked at the flowers then smiled at her.

" now i wonder who they could possibly be from" he said making her giggle as they made their way outside to find it had started to snow whilst they had been rehearing. rachel fpund herself looking around for him but couldn't see him anywhere thennthey hezrd their names been called they both looked over and saw sebastian in the back of. cab.

they walked over and he got out blaine wlked around and climbed into the cab sebastian smiled at her tuck the flowers from her and she climbed into the middle of the back seat before he got in beside her. he handed the roses back to her with him bedn so tall he didnt have as much room as she did.

" i thought they might wilt in the cold" sebastian said

" thank you they are beautiful " rachel said

" there is also another reason for getting a cab tonight " sebastian said

" oh" she said

" my dads meeting was moved to tomorrow morning so he and my mom flew in this afternoon" sebastian said

" oh" rachel said feeling nervous.

" my mom cant wait to meet you so their coming round tonight" sebastian said

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