chapter thirteen

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" santana " rachel said

" hello hobbit" santana said walking into the loft.

" hello fivel " santana said

" hello" sebastian said

" so where is klaine " santana asked

" kurt is working and blaine decided to have dinner at the diner and wait for him to finish " rachel said closing the door.

"lucky i arrived when i did then otherwise you would hve been alone with fivel" santana said

" and exactly what would be wrong with that" sebastian asked

" well fivel lets just say your the type of guy who it takes a certain type of girl to handle " santana said walking over to him and running her finger down his shirt.

" rachel can handle me" sebastian said

" not the way  i can " santana said batting her eyelashes at him rachel had to admit she was pissed off at santana flirting with him.

" unfortunately your not my type." sebastian said

" oh really" santana giggled before running her finger down his shirt again.

" yes really" sebastian asked grabbing her hand and pushing it away from him.

" so im not your type... ok well between hobbit and i who would you rather sleep with" santana asked

" rachel" sebastian said

" i forgot about your sense of humour " santana said

" no im serious i choose rachel over you i'd choose her over any girl" sebastian said

" what" santana said rachel was blushing.

" rach and i are married" sebastian said

" what" santana asked looking back and forth between them.

" we got married in las vegas" sebastian said

" your not serious you married her" santana said

" why are you here""sebastian asked

" i need to speak to kurt" santana said

" then go to the diner your not welcome here" sebastian said

" look i didnt know you were married when i flirted with you" santana said

" i know that but you still insulted rachel and this is her home which means your not welcome here" sebastian said walking over and opening the door.

" who knew you were so touchy" santana said to him before storming out of the apartment.

" you ok" sebastian asked

" yeah im used to her" rachel said then they was knocking on the door.

" pizza" sebastian said opening the door and paying for it.

" shall we watch something while we eat" sebastian asked

" yeah" rachel said still thinking of his i'd choose her over any girl comment.

once they had finished the pizza and were sat back relaxing watching tv sebastian surprised her by swit hing the tv off.

" i think we have to talk" sebastian said

" ok" rachel said

" i just want to say that even if we decide to get divorced or have an anullment  aslong as we are married im not going to date anyone. drunk or not i made a promise to you and i am going to honour that. i also want to say that while it happened because we were drunk if i had married anybody else i would have no problem getting divorced. thruth is you have meant alot to me for a while but living together and what i did in tbe past gahave stopped me from telling you. i have to completely honest with you and tell you that i dont regret been married to you i regret that we dont remember it and that upsets me because i wish we did but i dont regret it. thats why i was so happy this morning after we kissed last night like i said it gave me hope and another thing that does is you havent taken your ring off so that tells me on some level you dont regret it either" sebastian said

" im still in shock i know when we got back from las vegas kurt made a point about niether of us taking our rings off and thruth us it hadnt occurred to me to take it off. sonce i have been wondering why..." rachel was saying.

" yet you still kept it on" sebastian said

" yeah " rachel said

" it means alot to me that you have " sebastian said they sat looking at each other for a moment before they started to kiss...


kurt was exhausted the diner had been constantly busy tnough having blaine there cheered him up kurt was just wiping a split drink up when he saw santana walking towards her.

" santana i didnt know you were in town " kurt said

" save it hummel i just went to the loft hobbit and fivel are married what the hell how could you let this happen nd what are we going to do about it" santana said as blaine walked over having heard everything she had said.

"nothing" blaine said

" nothing your not going to do anything...kurt what about you" santana asked

" i agree with blaine im not sebastian's biggest fan but he seems to care for rachel he has been really sweet to her actually " kurt said

" yeah there is something between them " blaine said

" so your happy about it i thought you hated him" santana said

" i just said im not his biggest fan but there is something going on between them he is walking her home this morning he made her breakfast in bed he wouldnt do that if it was nothing more than a stupid drunken mistake" kurt said

" i cant believe what im hearing" santana said

" Santana what exactly has it got to do with you your not friends with either of them so wbat you think about it doesnt matter " blaine said.

" after losing finn all i want is rachel to be happy thruth is i think she loves sebastian but after losing finn and the disaster that was btody she is scared of getting hurt so she isnt admitting it even too herself. i think sebastian understands that and is been sweet to her and giving her time. once i got over the shock i have to admit they would make a good couple. i want rachel to have someone look out for her sebastian is doing that" kurt said

" yeah he is and before they got married he wanted her with him whennwe were in vegas the wedding might have been a mistake but i  think they have feelings for each other so we are keeping out of it but been supportive and your not going to interfere " blaine said

" excuse me" santana said

" i mean it rachel deserves to be happy and i have had to watch quinn fawn over finn or hate rachel because of him then he died.  then jesse just used her puck wasnt over quinn and then brody rachel used to say i cant believe a guy like him would want me he left she wasnt good enough for him the she found out he had been lying to her. he slept with the teacher at nyada who bullied her. she has felt like crap i think she thinks she doesnt deserve to be happy. if sebastian is trying to make her feel special im not going to stop him nor will i let anybody else do so" blaine said

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