chapter four

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" we best go into the living room and wait for room service " sebastian said

" yeah im gonna shower first though" rachel said

" ok" sebastian said he got up out of bed and grabbed his clothes off the floor.

" dont look away remember with my body i give to you technically my body is yours which makes yours mine which mean i best go have a cold shower" sebastian said

a short while later

rachel was getting dressed after showering she couldnt believe what had happened sleeping together was one thing but married is a huge deal.

" rach did you order room service "  blaine called through the door.

" yeah " she said how was she supposed to face him and kurt.

once she was dressed she took a deep breath and left her bedroom blaine was plating up her breakfast for her.

" morning" rachel said

" morning" blaine said smiling at her.

" you ok" rachel asked

" yeah are you" blaine asked

" yeah" rachel said sitting down at the table and reaching for the pot of coffee.

" so how is married life" blaine asked rachel looked at him.

" you know" rachel exclaimed

" yeah kurt and i couldnt find the two of you we decided to see if you guys had come back to the room which you had you were all over each other on the couch. kurt actually screamed and told sebastian to get off of you as he had you beneath him on the couch sebastian started waving his hand around and we saw the ring." blaine said

" oh blaine what have i done" rachel said

" me" sebastian said walking out of his own room she blushed deeply.

" where is kurt this morning" sebastian asked sitting down next to her to eat his breakfast.

" he is in bed in shock"  blaine said

" do you want some breakfast " rachel asked blaine.

" i have already had my breakfast its almost noon" blaine said

" what we doing today" sebastian asked

" sorting this out" rachel said

" we cant we will have to do that when we get back home" sebastian said

" i was thinking of going to the spa" blaine said

" yeah that sounds good it will get us feeling nice for tonight" sebastian said as kurt walked in rachel looked at him but he was glaring at sebastian.

" i cant believe you" kurt said

" its nothing to do with you" sebastian said

" look lets just calm down its happened" blaine said

" rach what will your dads think what were you thinking" kurt said

" i was drunk" rachel said

" yeah so was i but i didnt go running off to a wedding chapel" kurt said

rachel pushed her breakfast away from her and stood up and walked into her bedroom.


" well done i thought you were supposed to be her friend" sebastian said

" i am her friend" kurt shot back

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