chapter nine

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after breakfast rachel headed to her bedroom to unpack her suitcase as she walked into her room she saw sebastian's hoodie she lifted off the hanger and headed back to the kitchen.

" im going to do laundry later shall i was this" she asked

" yeah you best do it would be weird if turned up at nyu smelling like chanel number 5" sebastian said

" right " rachel said turning to go back to her room.

" im ringing my parents in a minute" sebastian said rachel turned back around.

" oh... right" rachel said

" have you thought about when your going to tell your dads" sebastian asked

" this evening they will be fishing now" rachel said he nodded and she walked to her room.


" how do you think your mom and dad are going to react" blaine asked

" not sure i know there first question will be am i going to be a father but after that i havent got a clue i mean i dont think they will be that angry they always encourage me to make my own decisions " sebastian said

" good luck" kurt said

" thanks" sebastian said standing up from the kitchen table.

" wait take a fresh mug of coffee with you" blaine said filling up his mug.

" yeah everything is better with coffee" sebastian asked before heading to his room his parents divorced when he was eight but got back together when he was fifteen.

he tuck out his phone and selected mom and pressed call he wasnt waiting long for her to anwer.

mom: hey sweetie

seb: hey mom how are you

mom: im great how are you

seb: im good but i have some news

mom: oh god tell me you havent been arrested

seb: what... no its nothing like that

mom: ok well what is it

seb: i got married

mom: what

seb: i got married

mom: you got married

seb: yeah

mom: who too... is she pregnant

seb: rachel berry and no she is not pregnant

mom: isnt she your roommate

seb: yeah

mom: how long have you and her bedn together you never said you were with her are you really married or are you joking.

seb: im not joking we went to las vegas for the weekend and we got drunk and got married

mom: oh seb

seb: i know its crazy

mom: its such a shock...are you happy or was it mistake

seb: we didnt mean to get married either of us actually remember getting married but i cant say im exactly unhappy about it.

mom: do you love her


mom: seb sweetie answer me

seb: i want to date her

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