chapter eleven

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the four of them were now sat having dinner which blaine had took over cooking while sebastian got cleaned up.

" so back to it tomorrow college and first rehearsals " kurt said smiling affectionately at blaine

" yeah i cant wait" blaine said smiling at kurt then at her.

" where are the rehearsals been held" sebastian asked

" the lyric theatre" rachel said

" how long do they last " sebastian asked

" two hours six while eight" rachel said he nodded.

" so this meal is delicious despite your cookery mishap" kurt said to sebastian  who looked at him for a moment  he looked like he was thinking but didnt say anything.


rachel was sat in bed looking over her coursework for nyada it wasnt due for twoweeks but with the rehearsals starting she knew she was going to be so busy she wanted to make sure she going to be finished on time.

"rach " sebastian said from outside the curtains around her room.

" yeah" she said

" a have something for you can you come get it" he said rachel wondered what it might be as she got out of bed she opened the curtains to find him stood their holding four mugs of hot chocolate she took the one he was indicating for her to take.

" thank you" rachel said

" your welcome" he said before moving towards klaines bedroom.

the next morning

the next morning was a hive of activity kurt had slept late despite blaine's attempts to wake him up and was now grumpy because he had to rush. rachel had slept quite well and was actually feeling quite refreshed this morning blaine was like an over active chikd running here and there getting his things together. sebastian looked like he didnt have a care in the wirld he stood relaxed sipping a coffee whilst watching a grumpy stressed kurt with an amused expression on his face.

" come on kurt we best get going" rachel said

the four of them made their way to the elevator sebastian still looking amused at kurt who was stood like he was in a trance apart from the fact he was yawning every thirty seconds.

" right then guys see you tonight and i hope your rehearsals go well" sebastian said as they reached the side walk as be geaded in a different direction.

as rachel blaine and kurt set off walking blaine nudged her arm causing her to look at him when she did he smiled at her.

the evening

rachel was feeling on top of the world the first rehearsal had gone amazingly well and she felt like she was walking on air blaine was the same they were so happy as they exited the theatre.

" i cant believe it its going to be amazing" blaine said

" i kniw im even more excited than i was about funny girl " rachel said

" seriously " blaine asked looking at her surprised

" yeah because i got my fravorite leading man on stage with me" rachel said

" awe rachie" blaine said hugging her.

" good job i know your a hundred percent gay otherwise i might have got jealous " sebastian said causing them to break apart.

" seb what you doing here " blaine asked

" well on my way to college i heard that a girl our age was mugged near three nights ago so i was going to text you guys to be careful but i thought it might worry you so i came to walk you home" sebastian said

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