chapter twenty one

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hi guys only a few more chapters left of this sroy but im working on two stories that i want to publish once this one is complete which will hopefully be in the next few day.

its friday night and sebastian is at his and rachel's loft rachel is at rehearsals and then having dinner with the rest of the cast.

sebastian is sorting out furniture as they plan on moving in tomorrow he is currently putting pots and pans in the kitchen cupboard when someone knockson the door.

upon opening it he sees mercedes who had stayed at the loft all week and had finally accepted him and rachel having seen them together.

" hey" he said

"rachel's dads are here they are next door they want to see you" she said

" oh" sebastian said

" shall i tell them to come here so its more private " mercedes said

" ok" sebastian said as mercedes left sebastian shut tbe door amd walked to the mirror and straightened hus shirt and check he wasnt a total mess with lifting furniture.

he heard them knock he took a deep breath and let them in their expressions were very different leroy looked like he liked what he saw hiram however did not.

" hello mr berry's please come in im sebastian " sebastian said

" nice to meet you" leroy said

" leroy" hiram scolded.

" i demand to know why your hell bent on ruining my daughters career" hiram said

" im not" sebastian said in shock.

"if you want a wife to run round after you then fine but my rach has big dreams dreams she has had since she was a little girl and your not going to spoil them" hiram said

" look im sorry you feel that way but you have me all wrong one of the many things i love about your daughter is her dreams i love that she ispures to be the best she can be. i have no intention of stopping her from achieving them i want to help her to do so. plus im studying to be a lawyer my father is a lawyer has was both is and my mom's fathers and my great grandfather on my dads side. so rachel isnt the only one who has dreams for her future. if your worried that she might have to give up her career to raise our family i can tell you know it will be in many many years time. i want to be successful just like rachel does and then if and when we do decide to have a family we can financially support our family. i love rachel  our wedding might have been a drunken mistake but drunk or not im happy we did it. " sebastian said

" see hiram he isnt some stupid boy" leroy said

" and you really do love her" hiram said but not as sternly has he had spoken before.

" more than anything" sebastian said

" your going to look after her" hiram asked

" absolutely " sebastian said

" so this marriage is the real deal then you both want to remain married" hiram asked

" yes " sebastian said

" im sorry i snapped but rachel isnt the type to drunkenly do stupid things" hiram said

" i know she isnt but thruth is i think we both had feelings for each other but living together we never admitted it but then getting drunk and getting married we had to admit them" sebastian said

" is she happy " hiram asked

" yes" sebastian said hiram reached out his hand and sebastian shook it leroy hugged him.

" your so tall" leroy said

" yeah i am" sebastian saidnot knowing hat to way.

" where is rach" hiram asked

" at rehearsals and then going to dinner with the cast" sebastian said

" this place is looking lovely " leroy said looking around the apartment.

" thank you " sebastian said

her dads left sebastian felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders as he knew her dads reactions were affecting rachel.


sebastian was sat doing some course work when rachel anr blaine returned home he got up and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

" have you missed me" rachel giggled as the broke for air

" like you wouldnt belive and i have some good news for you" sebastian said

" good news" rachel said looking up at him.

" your dads came to see me... " sebastian said

" oh no" rachel said

" hiram wasnt happy with me at first but remember rch you have a super hot charming smooth hubby and i wonnthem over although i think leroy was taken with me to begin with but hiram shook my hand so all is good" sebastian said rachel burst into tears and hugged him he could tell the weight off feelib he was feeling was nothing like she was feeling right now.

" so its all coming together " rachel said

" speaking of that lets go to bed" sebastian said picking her up and carrying her through to his room she giggled like crazy as he carried her.

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