chapter eighteen

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the four of them were in a taxi on their way back to the loft it was past two am and both kurt and blaine were tired.

rachel and sebastian were both in the back of tbe taxi even though sebastian couldnt sit correctly because he was so tall. tgey had been making out for the best part on an hour. they had started kissing on the dancefloor then had kissed in the line waiting for a taxi now they sa4 kissing in the taxi.

" here we are" kurt said he was sat infront he paid the driver.

as they reached the elevator in their building rachel and sebastian had managed to detach their lips from each other but as they had gotton into the elevator sebastian had pulled rachel too him and she was niw stoid with her back resting against him both his arms were wrapped arou d her her holding her securely to him as he rested hus head on the top of hers.

blaine unlocked the loft door and the four of them piled inside kurt and blaine headed straight to bed rachel figured they were giving them privacy.

sebastian took her hand and walke her to her room before wrapping his arms around her again and the got lost in another heated passion filled kiss until he broke the kiss and smiled at her stroking her cheek.

" tonight has been incredible " he said

" it really has " rachel said they kissed again.

" goodnight rach" sebastian said having broken the kiss.

" oh goodnight" rachel said surprised she had thought they were going to end up in bed.

" goodnight " he said before giving her a quick kiss before he left her room.

the next morning

rachel woke up thinking about what happened last night the jealousy she had felt when girls flirted with him though he couldn't have been less interested that thought put a smile on her face. she touched her lips remembering their kisses last night. then she heard him saying goodnight over and over in her mind had he rejected her. she tnought he was into her yet they had beennstood only feet away from her bed but he had gone to his own bed.

as she laid thinking things over sebastian walked into her room with two mugs of coffee and a warm smike on hjs face rachel felt butterflies in her tummy he was only wearing boxers.

" morning" he said walking over and passing her mug to her before sitting down on the side of her bed.

" thank you" rachel said before taking a sip of the delicious pistachio flavoured coffee.

" i was worried you might not want to talk to me this morning " sebastian said rachel looked at him.

" i know i left quite abruptly last night and  it is because if i hadnt i wouldnt have been able too. i suppose what im trying to say is after what we did in las vegas i promised myself if i was ever lucky enough to get you into bed again we would both be sober. i dont want you to think that i only want you when i have been drinking " sebastian said

" i admit i have been over thinking about you leaving like that" rachel said

" i didnt know what to do for the best stay and have you think I was only after something or leave and you think i didnt want you." sebastian said

" i feel better now that you have told me that" rachel said

" kurt and blaine have gone out for breakfast then they are going shopping" sebastian said

" they must have  woke up early" rachel said before looking at her alarm clock to see it was almost lunch time.

" you slept  late" sebastian called taking her now empty mug from her and standing up.

" did you" rachel said

" no i have been awake since five worried i had upset you" he said before leaving her room.

rachel couldnt stop the smile from spreading on her face he hafnt rejected her at all he was worried about her and didnt want to rush her.

sebastian returned a moment later and surprised her by walking over to the other side of the bed and getting in with her. he scooted over to hee and cuddled up to her before they started to kiss.

" rachel" sebastian asked

" yes" rachel said

" would you say your as sober as i am now" he asked looking into her eyes.

" yes " rachel said before they kissed again this time the heat and the passion was back as they hungrily kissed each other. they began exploring each other with their hands it wasnt long before her nighty and his boxers were laid on the bedroom floor.

as they were in the middle of bliss they suddenly heard a loud crack at caused them to stop.

" what was that " rachel asked

" not sure let me check " sebastian said getting out of bed he bent down and looked underneath her bed before looking at her with a mischievous grin on his face.

" we broke the bed" he said

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