Coming home to daddy after a long day- part 2

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Y/N body begins to tremble as J climbs over your body staring at you. He takes her head in his hands and kisses her with desire. J begins to nibble on her neck as his hands take off her black satin bra. J raises his head and looks at Y/N chest as he grabs her boobs and squeezes them causing her to moan. J kisses Y/N stomach and leaves a bite mark on her side making her jump. Y/N reaches out to grab him, "Hold Still", he says as he removes her black satin underwear. J parts her legs and smiles as he stares at her entrance. Y/N begins to pant as he swirls his fingers inside her. J takes his fingers back and forth making you arch your back and moan. "Mmm...", he says licking his fingers. "Your so wet for Daddy", J bites your clit and and inserts his tongue tasting her. "Daddy," I'm going to.."You better not cum", he growls. J begins to suck her pussy taking in even more juice as she's about to cum. Y/N feels the orgasm coming as he pleasures you. Then J stops once she's about to cum and just sits there. "C'mon Daddy," don't stop please fuck me", she moans begging for him to satisfy her. "How bad do you want this," she begs, "Really bad I need you inside me now." He growls, "Beg me baby..," she screams, "please," Daddy fuck me." J growls and passionately kisses you as he forces himself inside her. Y/N moans even louder as she feels J deep inside her as he thrusts her. "Ohhh," Faster Baby," Faster.," you say as he goes deeper into her. Y/N claw into J's back as she nears the orgasm. J growls as the tightness squeezes his dick. "You ready..," he grunts. J squeezes Y/N shoulders and stares into her eyes as he fucks her. Making Y/N watch his face as he pants and groans loud. In a raspy voice, he says, "come for daddy," she releases her juice as he throws his head back and moans reaching his peak. "Ohhh... Baby..," j says with his mouth wide open catching his breath. Y/N scratches J's back hard relieving the tension from the amazing sex. "Ohhh..," Daddy your soo fucking amazing"... j kisses her passionately as he collapses onto you. J pulls out of her and lays next to
her in bed. "Baby..." get some rest," J says as he tries to leave. Y/N reaches to his arm and pulls him close to her. "Stay with me..," she asks him. J purrs and kisses her laying back into the bed. "Anything for you..," he says. J smiles and pulls her closer to him, "you earned it," and then he caresses her face. "J," I really do love you..," he growls against her and smiles, "get some rest baby," as they sleep together for the night."

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