Love Is Madness Part ll *Smut*

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Staring there in disbelief I can't believe he was really gonna do it. The Joker was just going to blow his head off like that. Once I heard the click of the trigger; I just lost it and begged. I began to let all my pain and frustration out.

"No J," please don't do it," I pleaded with him but it was no use. I heard him pull trigger, yet nothing happened. Then it finally hit me he was playing Roulette; never knowing when the bullet would be fired. After J ordered Frost to leave the room he diverted his attention to me.

"Mister J," Stop," please," I love...," I began to shed tears I couldn't even say it without crying.
Then I heard his roar of laughter, "You love me," are you kidding me," he chuckled placing the gun down. I can see right through him I know something was bothering him because he had the room set up like a death scene. J was drunk and miserable and his eyes seemed moist,; was he actually crying. J was acting so tough like he didn't care but I can sense the pain in his eyes. "J," I've missed you so much," let me make you feel better," I said trying to comfort him. Then just like a switch J growled, "Go away," and held his gun up in defense.

 Then just like a switch J growled, "Go away," and held his gun up in defense

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"Please," don't shoot me," I not your enemy," put the gun down." I can see his hand was shaky almost as if maybe he wasn't trying to kill me. However, the threat and intention was there; he seemed so angry and bothered. "You fucking left," after everything I did for you," he said in anger. "You almost killed me," J," just like you are threatening to do now," I did not wanna leave but if I have not ducked that bullet would have ended my life." "If your so afraid of me," why are you here?," he growled. "Frost told me," you were not doing well so I ran over to check on you," I told him honestly. "Why do you even care after that night?," he asked looking curious. I choked out tears, "When you love someone..," you do anything for them."

The Joker stared at me and lowered his gun down, "Man," you are sooo

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The Joker stared at me and lowered his gun down, "Man," you are sooo..," God Damn Naive," he mumbled rolling his eyes. J then sighed and held his arms out to me, "Come to Daddy," Doll...," and with that I ran to him. He motioned me to sit on his lap, "I forgive you," your worth living for," I sighed as I sat on his lap facing me. The Joker wrapped his arms around me and held me tight in an unusual warm embrace. "Mmm," don't ever think Daddy doesn't care about his little girl," he whispered in my ear. Then I looked into his eyes and I felt sadness as I can see the pain reside inside.

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