The Encounter: Part ll *smut*

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I stirred in bed as I woke up panting in a cold sweat. I couldn't breath as I jumped up from my same dream I had the night before. I looked over at my cell phone as the time read 2am it was still early morning. I sighed and laid back down feeling ever so frustrated I was awake. I closed my eyes and pictured his beautiful face and his seductive low voice. "J," I moaned softly as I slowly ran my fingers down my body thinking of him touching me. Those deep blue eyes staring at me in a desirable way as I saw him in my mind. "You like when I touch you," he purred in my head as I took my hand lower.

"Yes," I moaned as I heard his moans and growling in my head. I began rubbing my clit as I felt more wet and needy imagining his hand there. "Oh," I groaned as I slipped my finger inside me and started to pump it back and forth. The pleasure was intense and craving him was something else. I slipped in two more fingers as I saw his body against me still clothed in his straitjacket fucking me on the bed. I heard his loud groans as I used my fingers to thrust harder and faster feeling something build up on me. The sensation was amazing I didn't want it to stop so I kept at it even faster and deeper. Once I heard that familiar sound of him relieving himself I let out a loud moan as I felt a warm liquid on my fingers. I panted and opened my eyes I couldn't believe what I just done but it felt pretty damn good. As I pulled my fingers out I realized there was clearly a pool of liquid on my bed. "Did I just?," I sat there in disbelief knowing I just came thinking of him. "This is not good," I cried holding my head in shame. After a few minutes of me throwing a fit I finally went back to sleep and let this whole situation go.

My alarm on my phone started going off as I jumped out of bed. "Time to get ready," I said still shuddering over what he had said yesterday. I was running late just realizing I snoozed my alarm. I quickly got dressed grabbing my white button down blouse and my black shirt that was shorter out of the others. I wore my heels and pinned my hair back in a little bun to get ready for the session. I took a few more sips of my coffee as I rushed out the door and began speeding down the street. I hated being late and I did not want him to think he had gotten to me. Yet the truth is even the moment I laid eyes on him I was corrupted.

Arriving at Arkham I finally found a parking spot as I parked my car by the building. Thankfully the traffic was not too bad I was just in time as I strutted into the building. Walking into my office I leave my lunch and a few of my notes as I grab my clipboard. I get up and and close the door as I leave my office to talk to the Joker. I crept by his room and heard silence so I walked in and closed the door. I even locked it so I can have more privacy to see if he would talk more. I saw him sitting at the table in his chair in the straitjacket again. I took a deep breath and sat in the chair directly across from him. I noticed something different about him today he seemed more alert.

"Good Morning Joker," Ready for some more questions?," I asked him. He turned his head and fixed his gaze onto me, "You may call me Mister J," he demanded studying my outfit. "Something to be bothering you?," I asked, "Your trying to impress me aren't you?," he sneered. "No," I'm not," I said defensively as I pulled my skirt down more. "What was your early life like?," I asked out of curiosity but he was in no mood to answer questions. "Do I make you uncomfortable?," he laughed, "No," I said lying and crossing my legs. "Tell me Doctor..," Do you ever touch yourself thinking of me," he asked in a lustful way.

," Do you ever touch yourself thinking of me," he asked in a lustful way

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