Daddy's Play Time Part I

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*This story is based off of a dream and definitely dedicated to Louisa532 😈.

              It's midnight, and my friend Iris and I are in front of the hottest club in Gotham. The Smile And Grin owned by the infamous clown prince of crime, "The Joker." Iris and I giggle nervously as we wait in line to be checked into the club. We have both been fascinated and drawn to the Joker and the mystery that surrounds him. Our plan was to catch a glimpse of him to see if he was dangerous and scary in person. And we are both daring so here we are now together just like a dream come true. "I can't believe it's been months waiting to get in," Iris chimed in. "I know this is so exciting I can't wait till it's our turn," I replied winking at her. I walked up to the Bouncer, "State your name Miss," "Destiny Miller,"
I say loud and clear. "Alright Miss," you are welcome to come in with Iris. We are then escorted inside to sit at our available seat surprisingly no one occupied the space. The room was absolutely beautiful with gold and hanging lights.

Iris and I sit down and chill just admiring the scenery and enjoying our time

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Iris and I sit down and chill just admiring the scenery and enjoying our time. "Let's hit the dance floor," I say taking her hand as we walk to the dance floor. I felt a little self conscious walking around with my skimpy gold dress I felt almost naked. Iris had seen my face was red, "Don't worry it's ok just have fun," she smiled and ran her fingers through my curly hair. An upbeat song starts playing and Iris and I began dancing together and having fun. We twirled around on the dance floor and even had fun fooling around swinging on the stripper poles.                                                    

                  I noticed Iris looking into a certain direction of the room ending down at the end of the hall. What do you see?," I asked confused. "Him," she whispers in my ear sending a chill to my spine. "Ohh," is that room his V.I.P. Room?," "Yes," it is I just thought he would be out by now." "I see," I say taking her hand and leading her back to our seat. I stand up and tell her, "Wait here I'm going to get a drink for you and I." "Just hurry back," she said urgently I know she was protective over me but I felt confident. "I will be don't worry," I said walking towards the bar. I walk up to the bar tender and order my drinks for Iris and I. Until I hear a voice, "Destiny," your coming with me," I look and see a tall bearded man in a suit. "Who are you?," I say confused, "The name is Frost," now let's go," he says taking my hand down the hall. "Wait," my friend Iris I need to tell her," she will be worried," I said urgently. "Not the time," lets go!," as he rushes me down the hall to a huge door. The room was bright I can see the light shining through the cracks. Frost leads me into the room and I gasp as I hear the door shut behind me.

                My eyes trail across the room noticing the open space and the massive couch against the wall. The room was bright in color and the air around was very seductive it drew me in. I had to get back to Iris but I saw a man walk through the door and I felt like I couldn't breathe. "...YOU..," I gasp as I back away I can feel the intensity of his stare and dark twisted thoughts he could be thinking. I didn't feel brave anymore especially not without Iris. He walked towards me cornering me and I had no choice but to surrender to his whim.

       IRIS P.OV.
         I sat impatiently waiting for Destiny to return with our drinks and I figured she got caught up in a long line. The more minutes that passed out the more anxious I got about her. Where is she? She should be back by now against her words I go up to the bar and see no sight of her. "Who's the gorgeous red head?," A guy sneers eyeing me, "Shut it!," have you seen a girl over here with light curly hair and a skimpy gold dress." "No baby," but I see you," she touches my arm. "Get off me," I punch him and walk to the bar tender. "Have you seen her," as I tell him my description. "I can't say I have I can't say I haven't." I roll my eyes, "If you saw anything you better tell me... NOW!!," I threaten reaching for my knife. "Geez Lady," That Doll I saw a tall man escort her to that room down the hall. "Thank you now was that so hard," I say shaking my head rushing to the room.

           The hallway was dimly lit yet light I can see where I was going as I walked down the hall

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The hallway was dimly lit yet light I can see where I was going as I walked down the hall. "Destiny," I said concerned as I walked closer to the light shining through the door. I slowly opened the door careful not to make any noise as I peek inside. I hear laughter so I walk inside the door way and I see Destiny and him... I can't express the anger I feel for her not letting me know where she went. And the shock that came to my mind he was wearing a nice black tuxedo with his perfect green hair slicked back. Destiny has her arms around the Joker and his hand was on her thighs that rested over his leg. They were flirting and enjoying each other's company. Their attention is turned to me as I watch Joker extend his hand out to me, "Room for one more," he smiles as he suggests me to join them.

To be continued......😈

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