The Encounter: Part l *smut*

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I have been working at Arkham Asylum for a few months dealing with many patients. However I have always wondered about the man with the emerald hair. I passed by his
room many times always trying to sneak a peek at him from time to time. The stories about him have always been a mystery to me. The Joker? I thought to myself trying to figure out why he intrigued me so much. And now was the time I was about to meet him and become inspired. I have always been interested in the mind and the causes of how others think. My plan was to get into his head and discover his inner thoughts. Yesterday I finished my last case on this mental patient. Now I was on my way down the hall to interview, "that man of mystery." I take a deep breath right before I opened his door to his room. Not gonna lie I was so excited but nervous this is a very dangerous man. I pushed my thoughts aside and entered the room prepared for anything as I was warned to not fall for his gimmicks. I frowned as I entered the room it was lonely and cold and certainly dark. "No," I said shaking my head, "he's a criminal," he don't deserve the luxury."

I sat in the chair beside him making sure to keep my distance and stay alert

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I sat in the chair beside him making sure to keep my distance and stay alert. I've never really gotten a good look at him as I tried to interact with him. This guy was not easy to communicate with I have seen him a few times and the situation was always the same. I would ask questions and he would just lay there and say nothing. At this point I was getting annoyed at the constant silence, "Im done asking you these questions," let's try something different," tell me whatever you would like me to know about yourself." A waited a few moments just waiting and hoping for a response. I jump as a hear a growl, was he really gonna talk to me?

"Do you really think I'm gonna open up to you," I heard him scoff at me. "Yes, I d0," I said out of frustration. "Well you got another thing coming," he said laughing and mocking me. "Fine," I'll be back tomorrow," I told him demanding I was through with playing games. I walked away from the room to gather my things in the office. Out of frustration I snatched my clipboard and my useless notes and locked the door to leave. As I went to walk past Joker's room to leave I heard some unusual sounds. Pressing my ear to the door I heard moaning and loud growls. It made my skin crawl I began to feel curious as I peaked into the window of his door. The room was dimly lit and I can actually see more of him as my mouth dropped open. My eyes will never unsee what I just witnessed. The Joker was laying in bed with his member out of his pants jerking himself off moaning louder and louder. His head was back with his eyes closed and I took in his features as my skin was set ablaze. "Holy Shit," this man is actually really attractive. I don't know why I stared there watching as he released himself I could hear his heavy panting. I felt a strange sensation between my legs as I felt moist all of a sudden.

I nervously ran away from his room and out to my car breathing heavily just to get out of there. Driving home I take a deep breaths trying to get his moans and growls out of my head. My skin was steamed with sweat all I wanted was a shower I felt so dirty. Once I entered my house I ran to the shower and started the water as I took my clothes off. Stepping in I take in the feel of the water on my skin. My peace is interrupted with those moans again that still haunted my mind and that scene that I witnessed. I tried so hard not to think about it yet, I could not stop. I huffed, "I guess this is what I get for snooping around," I lay in my bed and close my eyes to try and catch some shut eye. I began to drift off into sleep from my exhaustion from today. I began to have a vivid dream and I know right where I was. I walked into his room, and I heard his deep voice. "Come here," let me see you," he growled as I walked in to the light. I was horrified as I watched him groan and pump his manhood up and down staring into my direction with full on lust. He was laughing, "This is all for you," at that moment I jumped up from my sleep painting. My whole body was soaking wet, "I can't even have peace in my dreams," I mumbled trying to not think of that strange man. A few hours go by as I then get ready to drive to Arkham. Once I arrive to the place I walk up and calm myself down trying to keep my mind clear. I push those erotic images out of my head walking to his room and opening the door. The room was more lit up as I saw him sitting at a table with a strait jacket on. I gulped as I shut the door and walked to an empty chair right across from him. I finally got a good look at him as I gasped at his handsome rugged features. He had neon green hair with pale skin exposing a few tattoos and scars on his face. His lips were ruby red and his eyes were the worst of them all. Those crystal blue eyes staring into my soul made me feel weak as I stared in awe of his beauty.

 Those crystal blue eyes staring into my soul made me feel weak as I stared in awe of his beauty

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"Why don't you tell me about yourself," I asked looking into his eyes. The Joker grinned as he shook his head, "That's not how it works here dear," he stated. Feeling puzzled I reply, "And what do you mean by that," he shrugged his shoulders, "I prefer to know more about you," he says giving me a seductive look. "Nothing really interesting other than I wanted to intern at Arkham to study the mind." He chuckled darkly, "Seems boring," I want to know why you stalked by my room after our session." I gulped and swallowed hard, "I was not by your room," I said in a lie. "Don't play dumb with me," you really think I couldn't see you in my window," come on now." "This is not important," I snapped walking out from my chair as I walked away towards the door. I heard a maniacal laugh, "Did you find what you were looking for?," he said in a low growl. "No," I did not," I said facing his direction trying to hide the fact he was really getting to me. He eyed me in a lustful way, "You do look ravishing," he said letting out a purr and licking his lips. I felt a warm sensation take over me as I began to have sexual thoughts. I was imagining the feeling, the anticipation of it all. I finally snapped out of it, "No," I'm not like this at all," I said in my head. The Joker gave me a smirk, "Doctor," I know you have been thinking of me," Hmmm.." "We will continue this tomorrow," I said closing the door realizing time was up. " Oh," we will," I heard him chuckle darkly. I shook my head, "God," knows what only lurked in that mind of his." I decided to settle down for the night and relax laying in my bed. Wondering about his meaning, "Oh," we will," as his laughter echoed through my mind. "Tomorrow," I repeated as I closed my eyes and began thinking about tomorrow. "What does he have planned?, I shuddered and shut my eyes finally falling asleep.

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