Look what you made me become?

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In the darkness, I lay shaking caught between lust and faith. Speaking of tongues of an unknown name I dare not say. Voices and visions of him consume my mind; setting my soul on fire... This can't be love; not lf this feels like a deadly sin. The man who clouded my mind with unholy thoughts. This beautiful demon, so seductive and powerful has turned me away from heaven. I'm proud of my virtue and my life. I feel so alone inside and so twisted. All I wanted was to save myself;

Yet here I was falling deeper and deeper into the darkness. I try to leave and forget him. Yet, this ache in my chest always makes me run back to you. Your the embodiment of evil I should resist. Tears in my eyes as I cry out knowing I can never ever escape. Not him, not even my broken mind. My thoughts are a menace; sickening me with my own deepest desire. Sometimes I feel love, but mostly madness with never ending lust. What has he done to me? Looking in the mirror i don't even recognize

Myself anymore. Bleached hair and a possessed evil look in my blue eyes. This demon has sucked out ever last bit of my innocence. All I see is darkness even on the brightest days. Love is all I ever wanted and now all I have is pain and burning desire. You , just because of you, I can't ever be the same again...

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