The Desire🔥 *smut*

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It was Saturday night and I just had a killer day at work feeling all stressed and beyond annoyed at the world. And of course the date I had already planned tonight was now canceled. Ever since the douche bag of a boyfriend broke it off the night before. Now all I wanted to do was get dolled up head to the club and just drink and dance the pain away. After taking a long hot shower I decide to curl my hair and add some glam makeup. I let my curls fall after adding my ruby red lipstick and applying my powder.

Next I head into my closet and grab my tight short little black dress to wear with gold heels. I grip my clutch purse with my phone and wallet as I head to the car. I jump into my car and blare my music as I speed down the street arriving close to the club. I quickly park my car and dance on in right to the alcohol bar. I drink a few shots and head straight to the dance floor shaking my ass and dancing around the pole. It was great to let go and finally be free from all the bull shit from today. While dancing I see a figure stroll on in who acted like he owned the place. The man was tailored in a Tuxedo and a purple and gold cane. I scoffed at how arrogant he seemed to be however I just couldn't take my eyes off him.

 I scoffed at how arrogant he seemed to be however I just couldn't take my eyes off him

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There was just something about him that seemed to keep my focus on him. The man from a distance looked gorgeous and extremely dangerous. I just shook it off and drank another shot really feeling myself. I walked back over to the dance floor and began dancing feeling loose and just enjoying myself once more. So lost in the movements as I began to own the dance floor. I felt like someone was watching me I just had that feeling. At that time I just ignored my instincts and grabbed the pole grinding up and down in a fun way. The thought of someone watching me became unbearable I could not ignore my instincts anymore. I began to look around the room and see everyone else just having a good time. That is until I looked behind me and I stared in shock and disbelief seeing the guy who just walked in right there watching me.

 That is until I looked behind me and I stared in shock and disbelief seeing the guy who just walked in right there watching me

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I watch him grip his cane and turn his head trying to act natural. I knew what he was doing I couldn't believe this gorgeous guy was staring at me. The more I stared back at him the more nasty I felt inside as these thoughts plagued my mind. "Oh what I could do to his fine ass," I mumbled. My thoughts are interrupted by a dark sultry voice, "Continue," I see him wave his hand in the air. And with that I just gave in and danced around the pole still thinking about him. I did not know him but something inside me just wanted him. I couldn't explain it as I imagined the pole as him. I rubbed my hands up and down the pole sighing. I began to grind as I imagined fucking that hot guy. I was out of control being wild as I let out a loud moan feeling dirty for this complete stranger. I sighed and sat down feeling like nothing made sense. "Thats quite enough," I head him shout as his eyes burned into mine from a distance.

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