Love is Madness... Part l

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       This is a more emotional piece I decided to write. So I hope you enjoy the first part of this one shot story.

*Thought I could stay away but
                           I just couldn't.......*

It has officially been a month since I left the
Joker, the love of my life......

Driving down the road, I wipe tears from my eyes as I listen to the radio. It seems every song reminds me of him and I could not take the pain building up in my chest. I would say I regretted leaving but I just had to leave in fear of my own safety. I just could not forget that fateful night J almost shot me. The coldness in his eyes gave me chills as he threatened me. J was in a very bad mood and when I tried to calm him down... he fired his gun as I quickly ducked and fled his Mansion. He tried to kill me and that was just too much for me.

              Never has J himself, treated me like he could careless about me

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              Never has J himself, treated me like he could careless about me. I will admit our relationship was not perfect he was really rough around the edges. Believe it or not, there was some good times that were worth dealing with the bad times. I loved him with all my heart; well knowing he was incapable of loving.
The truth is I don't ever fall in love, never really had that emotion towards anybody for that matter. I still can't get over that one fateful day when I first met him. The way he first looked at me still haunts my mind and even dreams. His crystal blue eyes and his beautiful face is all I can think about these days. Without him, my body is broken and my mind is lost in a daze. This has been the hardest month in my life away from him and it hurts like Hell.

      The Joker is a massive manipulator but I always wondered if deep down inside could he ever love me

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      The Joker is a massive manipulator but I always wondered if deep down inside could he ever love me. After all I have done for him to stay by his side and even gave up my innocence all for him. I shake my head as I head up to my street and turn in to the driveway. All of a sudden I hear this low ringing noise once I turn my radio off. In confusion, I see an unknown number show up in my phone. I don't usually answer these types of numbers but my instincts were telling me to answer. I sigh as I swipe to answer this mysterious call.

"Hello..," I call out with a strain in my voice as I press the phone up to my ear.

"Yes," this is Frost I work with the Joker," the voice trails off as I gasp. I know who Frost is and I find it strange he would even contact me.
"What is it?," I answered feeling a little in a panic hoping everything was ok. The Joker and I were not exactly on good terms but that does not mean I did not still care about him.

"Well J," he's not doing very well," I think it would be best you come over right away."
"What do you mean," he was fine when I left cause he didn't care he almost shot me." I said as I felt my chest hurt because that broke my heart.
"Look Miss," his life depends on whatever actions you take tonight."
"What's wrong right him?," is someone threatening to kill him?," I saw in fear that he could possibly be killed.
"No," he's in this phase and I can't seem to snap him out of it," he's like suicidal."
"What," The Joker suicidal?," I say I'm shock because that's not like the ruthless, "Clown Prince Of Crime," at all. "Just come over and you will see what I mean." And with that the call just ended right then and there.

I quickly run into the house to get out of my work clothes and let down my hair. I frantically slip on my dress pants and red blouse along with my black flats. As soon as I'm dressed and run back to my car to start the vehicle. I pull out of the driveway and speed down the road wasting no time. I knew J was in trouble and no matter what cost or danger I needed to save him. That's when you know you truly love someone; no matter how much he hurt me or even almost killed me I still love him. I've always wanted to save him and show him the compassion he deserves. Well, he's a killer but what can I say he's the only one I want to live for. I clear the thoughts from my mind to focus on the excessive traffic ahead of me on the highway.

"C'mon," let's go," I yell honking my horn because I absolutely had no time for this traffic today. I huff at the trail of car lines in front of me. "I really don't have time for this," I cry out seeing that there was an accident on the side of the road. As my car crawls up the street I mumble, "Damn..," people do not know how to drive let alone pay attention. Once I passed the congested area I was able to fly down the highway. Now I was close to J's Mansion fear sets in, "what if he is doing this to end my life once and for all?," what is Frost is his cover?"

I pull up right in front of his house and take a deep breath as I open my car door. "Well," here goes nothing," I whisper as I walk up and knock on the door. There was no response to my knock so I knocked again as I waited and waited. It wasn't until I knocked a third time that I saw Frost walk up to the door. He slowly crept the door open and studied me before he let me inside the Joker's Mansion.

"Everything ok Frost?," I ask wondering why he did not even greet me at the door. "Look," I will take you to where he is," I've tried everything but he won't snap out of it."
Frost leads me down the hall to the familiar room where J keeps his weapons and his plans.
We stand outside the door and listen, "Where is she," I don't understand why I even care," I shudder it's his voice. Frost gently opens the door as we slowly walk in and I see him...,

The Jokers head was down and I can see he was in deep thought

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The Jokers head was down and I can see he was in deep thought. He looked just as handsome as I remembered him; I really missed him I just couldn't stay away. Once I looked at his hand I saw he had a gun and I got a sinking feeling inside. Tears weld up as I watched him raise the gun to his head about to pull the trigger....

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