The Encounter: Part III *Smut*

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*The Breakout*
I tossed and I turned in my sleep thinking about the Joker and the passion we shared. I have never experienced a feeling like this before, a need, a desire, a sexual craving so intense. Yet, there was something else I felt like I had feelings for him. I just couldn't wait to see him I need to bust him out of Arkham.

Even though it was late at night I couldn't take it anymore I got up and slipped on dress pants and a red shirt. I picked up my purse and headed out to the car with my key card to let me in the building. I also had a gun with me stashed away in case I needed to defend myself. I drove away in my car thinking about what possibilities the future could hold. If I break him out would I be with him? Or could he turn the tables and kill me? This was incredibly dangerous but I knew he was worth it I needed him more than ever. I pulled up to Arkham as I look around the perimeter seeing only a few cars. The cars I knew only belonged to security guards and I had to make an excuse to get inside. I get out of the car and walk towards the doors of the building. "Ma'm this place is closed for the night," he said telling her to leave. "I work here," I said showing him my badge demanding to be let in. "Your not authorized to be here at night," I sighed feeling frustrated I just had to get in there now.

Now I planned to beg, "Please," let me in I was there earlier I have my key card you can trust me." "Sorry Ma'm," you need to leave." At this moment I thought fast as I shook my hips and batted my eyes, "Please," won't you let me in," I begged in a sexy way. The guard smiled, "You know what," go ahead just this once," I gleaned with delight and kissed him on the cheek. I smiled with a clever plan to break him out, I would do anything for him. I quickly walked to his cell trying to act natural and surprise him. I used my card to his cell and locked the door so no one could get in. I turned on a little lamp in the room it was faint but it did the job. I smiled seeing Joker sound asleep in the room.

I walked over to his bed and sat on the edge close to him

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I walked over to his bed and sat on the edge close to him. I was ready to bust him out and I already had a plan. I was gonna sneak him out in one of the guards uniforms. I quickly ran my fingers through his hair to wake him up out of his deep sleep. He let out a purr from the gentle touch of my fingers. "Mister J," I cooed, "wake up," I begged caressing his hands. Suddenly I felt his fingers grip onto my hand as his eyes fluttered open. "I don't think it's time for our next session yet," he stated sarcastically. "Let my hand go!," I say trying to reach for his uniform I brought. "And waste my opportunity with you tonight in my bed," I don't think so," he sneered. "J," I'm going to get you out of here." "Not so fast," he purred pulling me against him as he roamed my body aggressively. I can see it in his eyes he was so horny as I felt his hand grip my crotch. "You know you want this," he said letting out a growl as he knocked me on my back staring straight up at him. He crawled over my body breathing heavily as he took my neck in his hands kissing me roughly. "J," stop," I pleaded trying to get him out quick. I mean, "God," I wanted him," but I was running out of time. "C'mon we need to leave now," I demanded him. My body began to surrender to him as I felt him press his body completely on top of mine. I let out a moan feeling his enlarged member against my thigh. "Mister J," lets go," I struggled wanting to leave this place. "No one says we can't have some fun at first," he smirked kissing me once more. "I'm serious I need you to get in that uniform now," I said losing my patience. "I have to take my clothes off anyway," he laughed removing his Arkham shirt. Then he quickly just kicked off his pants and slowly removed my pants. "J," no," I cried panting trying to not give in to the temptation. He stared in my eyes and calmly said, "Darling..," Daddy needs pleasure and there is nothing you can do."

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