Bear Skin Rug *smut*

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DT: the one and only Louisa532 I  received a text from my Boss... Yes, you guessed it I work for the infamous Joker. I needed a job and he was willing to pay me well which was enough for my rent. He is a rough man I won't lie but it was so worth it. Despite being cold and cruel he was easy on the eyes and quite a charmer when he wanted to be. Even though I try to be as Professional as I can I would often fantasize sleeping with him. I have a strong attraction towards him that I can't hide. When he looks into my eyes and speaks to me I have to hold myself back from kissing him. Now, as it is I'm reflecting on my thoughts about to head home after I let the Joker know I completed my mission for him.

I smile and text, 'Boss, I have completed what you ordered me to do.' -Message Sent- As I get into my car I receive a text from him, 'Meet me at my place." I look at the text in confusion and wonder if he's really serious. Did he just ask me to meet him at his place? What.? I begin to call him to make sure this was actually him texting me this. I know this man and he has never asked me to stay over. He told me from day one this is just business. Ohh... how I wanted to do more... I stop my thinking when I hear him on the other line. "Hello Boss, did you just text me to meet you at your place." His voice is husky as he laughs, "Yes," you will if you know what's good for you." I sigh, "Well," I will be right over then," and there is a silence on the end. "Hello..," I ask knowing that he is still on the line. "By the way I got a grape soda on ice and a bear skin rug waiting...," he growls and hangs up the call.

I shake my head as I begin to drive... what does that mean? He must be drunk if he wants me to come over and I must be crazy to even trust him. I didn't care I have an ache for him that just needs to be quenched. And I was willing to go anywhere to see where this goes. Since, I was close by I already was coming up to his house as I pull into the driveway. I smile and get out of the car and make my way towards the door. I fix my hair making sure I look decent as I ring the doorbell programmed to his laugh. I then watch the door open as I'm face to face with the man of my dreams.

             I sigh, "Hello Boss," saying it in my most seductive voice as I can

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I sigh, "Hello Boss," saying it in my most seductive voice as I can. You can call me Daddy tonight," he smirks. He looks absolutely dashing and sexy in his tuxedo. "Come on in.," he purrs escorting me inside placing his hand on my back. The way he looked I just wanted to attack him and release my urges. I look over at him and whisper, "So.. why did you want me here?," What do you want from me?." The Joker than smiles and pushes me against the wall forcefully. "You can do something for me..," he hisses as he's inches away from my face. "And what is that?," I gasp feeling excited inside at his words. He bites his lip and rubs his body against me, "I have this ache... I desperately need to take care of." I feel him rub his body closer as I feel his crotch against mine. "J," I utter out staring into his eyes hoping that he wants to do what I have always fantasized about. "If you know what I mean...," he groans taking my hand leading me in front of a fire place and a rug on the ground.

            "Lay down," he growls in my ear as he pushes me onto the white bear skin rug

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"Lay down," he growls in my ear as he pushes me onto the white bear skin rug. He hovers over me as he grabs the grape soda filling our glasses. We each take a toast and drink the soda feeling cozy from the fire. I feel the mood set in as my wandering hands start to touch his body. He doesn't realize it until I place my hands over his crotch feeling his growing member. I watch his face as he moans closing his eyes as he enjoys the touch of my hand.

 I watch his face as he moans closing his eyes as he enjoys the touch of my hand

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"God..," I want you so bad..." I moan squeezing his crotch. J growls loudly knocking the glass out of my hand pressing his lips against mine. He tastes so good as he pulls me into the kiss taking complete control of me. Things get hot and heavy as we tear each other's clothes off. "Is this how you always wanted it?" I'm shocked at his words, "You knew..?" I feel him kiss up and down my body as my body tenses up wanting him right now and right here. "Honey..," of course I know..," I'm the Joker and I know every fucking thing." I wrap my around him allowing my hands to explore his body. "Ohhh... Daddy," I always imagine you taking me... and having your way with me." I hear a deep growl as he holds my hands behind my head. I catch my breath anticipating and just waiting for  the feeling of him inside me. I feel his skin against mine as he positions himself right over me.

             "I'm going to make you scream and beg for more," he smirks kissing me

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             "I'm going to make you scream and beg for more," he smirks kissing me. And with that I feel him slip himself inside me. The feeling of him inside me sends me to bliss. I reach up and kiss him as he thrusts his member in and out of me. My hands grasp onto his back as I dig my nails in deep leaving red scratches. He pushes himself deeper inside me as he fucks me faster hitting that sensitive spot inside me. My legs wrap around his waist as I lift myself up in a sitting position. I grab his shoulders and buck my hips urgently into his while we sit there riding each other. His lips find mind and my tongue swirls inside his mouth. His movements become sloppy as my walls begin to clench his tightly preparing for my orgasm. "Ohhh Fuck..," I Scream feeling that intense climax about to peak. He can already tell I'm close too.. "That's it baby," Come to Daddy..," I scream his name and let go feeling my body violently tremble as I soak him with my hot cum. "Ooohhhh...," I gasp feeling his sharp thrusts feel even more sensitive after my previous orgasm. The throbbing of his cock indicating that he was about to burst. With all my strength I quickly roll my hips adding friction as he pounds me into oblivion. That was it.... he let go... we let go.... he uttered profanities and cursed the Gods. And I indeed came again.... around him. We panted riding down our high... we laid there for awhile.... our sticky and sweaty bodies entwined. This is exactly how I imagined it and ohh... god... I wanted more... then it all went black...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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