The Alley *smut*

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       -Walking alone in the alley I never thought          I would run into someone... like him.-
Dedicated: to my love Louisa532

           It was Midnight, here I am walking alone in the dark. My ride had left me to walk home and I had no money to call a cab. I always feared walking in the dark but I had no choice. I know my way home however I always get shaken up by the possibility of murders or kidnappers. I gulp and continue walking as I walk past dimly lit streets and busy roads. A gust of air blows by as I smile and look up at the beautiful stars shining in the night time sky. "So beautiful," I gasp as I quicken up my pace even faster. My nerves get the best of me as I approach the darkest alley coming up ahead. The place is soo eerie and it has always giving me creepy vibes.

             As I pass the alley, I hear footsteps as I see no one around me. Panic sets in as I start to bolt but I lose my balance and fall to the ground. I slowly bring my head up as I hear a deep voices near me. "And where do you think you are going my Dear!" I sit up in confusion as  I search around trying to find the source. "Who's there?," Don't come any closer," I warm trying to sound threatening. Evil laughter roars through the place causing my skin to crawl.

Scared out of my mind, I jump up and run but I stop in my tracks as my heart stops. In front of me stands a very intimidating gorgeous man.

                               He's blocking my path; he must want something from me

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                               He's blocking my path; he must want something from me. Yet, no matter how nervous I am I feel so drawn to him. I step closer and closer to him just in wonder and desire. I gasp taking in his features, Emerald hair, piercing blue eyes, and pale skin was definitely something I have never seen before. Quite strange, why would someone be all dressed like this and nicely at that. "I should be getting home now," I say as I turn to walk the other way. I jump as I feel a gloved hand grab my wrist, "Not so fast," I'm not done with you yet," I shudder, "What do you want?." He kneels down and smiles, "Daddy wants you!," and Daddy always gets what he wants." I stare in shock as I try to pull away sensing possible danger. He takes me in his arms aggressively and presses his body against me forcibly. "Come on now," don't tell me you don't want this." I feel him press his hard member against my crotch as I let out a soft moan.

"Oh," you seem to like that," he growls; taking my hand as he walks further into the alley out of site. I could still see him thanks to the dim light surrounding us. I feel my back hit a wall as he presses his lips against mine kissing me out of need and desire. I inhale his cologne and that sexy taste of whisky on his tongue. Say my name!," he demands as he swirls his tongue in my mouth. "Daddy," I whimper feeling him run his fingers down my pants exploring me. "Your soo wet," hmm..," and just what are we going to do about that?." Out of instinct I take off his jacket and untie his bow around my neck. He places a finger to my lips, "Do you want this?," "I do," I reply unbuttoning his vest and white dress shirt underneath. J takes his white gloves off as his rolls his head back, "Say it, "Say it, Say it." I pull him closer to me taking off his dress shirt, "please," I beg wanting him. "Show Daddy how much you want him!," he demands motioning me to motivate me. I remove my shirt and my bra as I run my hands down my body throwing my pants and underwear off. "Touch yourself," he commands panting in urgency. "Daddy," please fuck me," I moan rubbing my clit as I stare at him.

All what was left of his tuxedo outfit was black trousers showing off his well endowed member

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All what was left of his tuxedo outfit was black trousers showing off his well endowed member. The more I pleasured myself the more I saw him clench his teeth and grunt rubbing it. It wasn't until I was moaning and pumping my fingers in and out til he really got going. He took his growing member out of his pants as he growled and rubbed it quick. The faster I went; the faster he went desperately trying to relieve himself. "Stop," he yelled as I pulled my fingers out. He threw his trousers down and hastily licked my fingers and kissed my lips. I felt the tip of his throbbing aching member probing my entrance. I let out a loud groan feeling pre-cum ooze against me as he sucked my neck leaving marks.

He let out a loud grunt as he slammed himself in and out of me panting heavily. I let out a scream as I felt him viscously tear my soaking wet walls up. "Ohhh fuck," I moaned rolling my hips into his in pure ecstasy. I scratched his back as he pulled my hair fucking me harder and harder til the point I couldn't stand. I was getting close and I know he could feel my walls began to clench around him. "Scream for Daddy," he growled in my ear, "Daddy!," I screamed as one more thrust sent me cumming all around his cock. My body shakes and convulses feeling him release inside of me bucking his hips even faster and faster. I collapse in his arms breathing hard as we fall down landing on top of each other riding down our high. "That was soo intense," he purred kissing me, "That sure was something," I wink back at him. I groan feeling him pull out of me hitting my sensitive spots from his size. Then I notice him motioning for me to get dressed, "I have to go now but anytime you want it," come to the Alley at night."

I watched him lick his grills feeling very satisfied as he left still looking clean and fresh

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I watched him lick his grills feeling very satisfied as he left still looking clean and fresh. I sighed walking home with a smug look on my face fantasizing about that sexy stranger. I should definitely walk in the dark more; that same alley being the target I will sought out. ;)

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