Pleasing Daddy *smut*

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            Alone, I sat in the club outside the V.I.P. Room awaiting for J to come out and take me home. I frowned feeling something was not right because he was usually done by now. I pressed my ear to the door to listen from the inside. All I can hear was the Joker cussing and threatening the henchmen. "How can you fucking let him get away," I heard J growl. "Boss," we tried our best," a voice from inside said. "I knew one day you would have no use for me," I heard J say as I heard the men beg. "Bye Bye," I heard the Joker cackle as I heard a lot of gunshots. I assumed he killed everyone in the room as I saw blood splatter on the window of the door I was looking in. I heard heavy footprints head to the door I immediately sat back down waiting on the couch. It did not take long for the door to swing open as I saw J storm out. "GOD," he looked so hot when he was pissed as I felt myself heat up. "Puddin," I called out seductively walking to meet him. "You," lets get the fuck out of here!," J growled pulling me by my ear. "Ow," I see your all worked up for me Daddy," I say enjoying the pain. J growls and pulls me close facing him as he grabs a hold of my hair yanking tight. "Don't be smart with me," he yelled and ordered me to get in the car. Turning, my head I watch as J gets into the car extremely pissed off. "Geez" I mumbled under my breath as he slammed the door. I looked at the man I admired so much trying to make eye contact and smile. He did not look at me once he was focused on driving.

       The Joker races down the streets growling in frustration about how tonight went down

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The Joker races down the streets growling in frustration about how tonight went down. I really hated to see him upset and I feel he needed some ease. "Daddy," you look like you need some pleasure," I sighed running my fingers down his clothed groin. He grunts, "Knock it off," as he grips my hand pushing it away from him. Sighing, I wanted to please him so bad I wanted to feel him. I needed him right here and right now. I know he was dangerous this way but I couldn't ignore this ache inside of me. Quickly, I moved closer to him as I held his shoulder and began whispering in his ear. "I want you," I need you deep inside," take me however you want," I demanded. Suddenly, I felt one hand clutch my throat, "You do not wanna test me right now kitten," as he let go of my neck. I panted and immediately stuck my hand in his pants as I stroked his member. "You know you need this release," as I began to rub his cock up and down. "How does that feel," I smirk unzipping his pants as I bring my head into his lap. His whole demeanor changes as he pulls down his pants and encourages me to please him. "Make Daddy feel good," Princess," he says holding my head in place. "Yes Sir," I obeyed taking his well endowed member out of his pants. I gave it a few pumps with my hand before I took him in my mouth. I began to take him slow and deep as I worked my tongue around him. "Fuck Yes," he groaned rolling his eyes back with his mouth agape, "Faster,"Harder," he demanded.

 "Fuck Yes," he groaned rolling his eyes back with his mouth agape, "Faster,"Harder," he demanded

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I looked up as J gritted his teeth and began to violently thrust into my mouth. I couldn't breathe as hit the back of my throat causing me to gag. My nails dug into his hips as sucked on him hard and fast listening to his urgent growls. I could feel my juices began to flow, "God," I'm hungry," I need him to cum in my mouth," I said in my mind. I took him out of my mouth as I looked up to him and watched him pant. "Why the fuck did you stop?," he said out of sexual frustration. I bit his tip and licked his shaft all the way up in need. I stroked him up and down picking up pace, "Daddy," you like this," Come," come for me please," just let it go," I moaned. Then at that I popped him back in my mouth taking him deeper and faster as my nose touched his V-line. I felt J was close as his raspy moans grew louder as he yanked my hair and thrusted into my mouth even faster. "Stop," he growled as I heard him quickly pull into a driveway. "Now," he demanded putting the car in park as he undid his seatbelt and fucked my mouth harder and faster with no mercy. "Drink it all," he yelled as I felt him throb and slam himself inside of me once more letting out all his fury. "OH GOD," I hear J grunt out loud as his cock twitched shooting all his cum inside my mouth. "Take it down," he said as he threw his head back as I swallowed his fluids. I took him out of my mouth and climbed back into my seat. Looking out the window I realized we are home now I can have him all. Looking at him I got even wetter and wetter I just couldn't wait as I stared at him.

 Looking at him I got even wetter and wetter I just couldn't wait as I stared at him

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"You," he smiled at me feeling wonderful and relieved. I didn't hesitate as I jumped onto his lap and embraced. "You taste so good Daddy," I moaned as I kissed him with passion. I looked down and pulled his pants all the way down so I can fuck him. J found my underwear and ripped it off as I lifted my dress to move around more. He sighed as I took off his silver jacket and swiftly ripped his red shirt open as buttons fell off. My hands ran down his hot tatted chest as I kissed him again dry humping him to feel the sexual tension. In instinct he wrapped his arms around me as I began to adjust myself to slide him inside. "I can't wait much longer," I groaned as J slowly entered me in response I thrusted into him as I held his shoulders. "Oh Daddy," you feel soo good," I rolled my eyes and kissed him as he slipped deeper inside of me. "Yes," take me baby," take Daddy," as he rolled his hips up to mine to reach me. My fingers grip the headrest as I felt in more control to ride him. "Yes," I moaned as I felt him deep inside me hitting that spot that made me go insane. I lost it I screamed and flipped the switch as the seat quickly slammed all the way back. I hovered over J, "I'm gonna fuck you soo hard," the Joker laughed. "Taking control," let me have it", he challenged. I pulled completely out of him as I pumped his cock had and fast with my fingers to warm him up. "Fucking Bitch," he moaned trying to hold himself back from releasing. I smiled seeing pre-cum form on his tip. I bent down and licked it, "Mmm...," Daddy," as I seductively stared at him. J looked harder than before; I then took him in and slammed my body up against his fucking him. I could feel my thrusts become sloppy as I constantly groaned slapping my pelvis against his in desire to release. A knot formed inside me as I held him down and slammed against him even deeper. I could feel my orgasm about to hit as I bucked my hips back and forth constantly. Until... I felt it, my body tightened up as sweat soaked my skin. A scream ripples through me as J panted excessively, "I'm gonna Cum...," I threw my head back rolling my eyes as my body convulsed rapidly. "Come on," Baby," Joker urged me as I gave him hard and deep thrusts trying to ride my high. I gasped as I felt J stiffen and groan as he grunted, "Take it," Take what you have been begging me for," as his quicken violent thrusts me released his hot sticky juice inside me. "God," that was fucking amazing," he growled as I collapsed on J breathing hard. "Do you feel better baby," I asked kissing him and caressing his face.

J shot up and smiled, "Never been better," as he adjusted his clothes trying to look presentable

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J shot up and smiled, "Never been better," as he adjusted his clothes trying to look presentable. I pulled my dress down and opened my car door as I walked to J. He quickly picked me up in his arms and embraced me feeling rejuvenated. "Such a good girl!," he kissed me and we walked into the house to head to bed. This was seriously one of the best times I've had with him I thought laying on the bed. J passed out immediately because of his rough day and the intense orgasm. And with that, I turned the light out and slept right beside my King.

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