The x Mysterious x Man

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Yuki's POV

Tsk. That brat really didn't hold back. Shalnark was helping me walk to my seat place on the stone. I couldn't even sit without Shalnark to help to sit, I lean back to place my back against the stone.

"Itai" my whole body trembles and I try to endure the pain.

" Fei! You overdid it!" Shalnark said as he turned over to the brat.

"Overdo what?" Chrollo said as he turn towards me.

"Well...."Shalnark was fidgeting. He didn't want to tell Chrollo that I was about to escape...but I didn't mean to escape, I was just making sure of something.

"...I was curious and tried to follow you....the brat over there caught me and thought that I was gonna escape" I said calmly while avoiding eye contact with everyone.

" You escape" the brat said with a cold voice.

" I didn't, I didn't even set foot out of the base! It was never my intention to escape as well" I shouted back at the shrimp. "....if I did escape...Gon and Killua will..." I look down and had a sorrow expression on my face. I close my eyes and look back at him. for some reason he look irritated as ever.

"And what happened?" Chrollo asked as he walk over towards me.

"....You should know." I replied coldly.

"What do you mean?" he gave me this blank look.

" Didn't you tell them that if I were to escape I would be tortured by that brat?"

" I never say he could torture you" Chrollo said as he turned over to the brat.

" You say meh could have meh way" he answered with a smirk underneath his bandana.

" What I meant was for you to watch over her..not hurt her. If something happens to her and she dies what would you do?" Chrollo glare at the brat which made him back off a bit. I could tell that Chrollo is really mad...It kind of made me happy that I have some value to him.

"...Its fine." I stood up and walk towards Chrollo. " I don't die that easily" I look at him with confidence which made him relieved.

"By the way. You guys are back pretty fast. Usually it would take 3-4 hours no?" Kortopi asked.

"He said that he wants everyone there so he can confirm something" Nogbunaga said irately.

" He told us to meet him tomorrow" Machii added. Everyone was excited to meet this 'guy' for some reason...Let just hope that my gut is correct.


It was the day everyone was waiting for, to meet the mysterious man that Chrollo has been seeing. We were walking out of the base when Chrollo turned towards me.

"How are you feeling?" he asked. I glance up and nodded. He seems to be concern...Chrollo then leads the way to the meeting place.

It took quite awhile before reaching the meeting place. It seems like an old Japanese house. As we walk in, Chrollo gave the staff that was welcoming us a piece of paper, she gave him a nod and leads the way. The inside was really Japanese style with light green bamboo floor and sliding doors.

" He's already inside" the staff said as we slowly opens the door. One by one, we slowly walk into the room. This sense....its definitely him! When I entered the room I saw him. A guy around 178cm wearing black pant, suit and neck tie that was loose. His inside shirt was plain dark blue. His skin tone was very much like Gon's.  He has short jet black spiky hair, a scar under his lips and droopy brown eyes that shine when we walk into the room.

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