Special : Halloween p1

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This takes place after everything has been settled... I guess...XD

Everyone was sitting at the couch talking about what happened during the past month or two. It's nice that they came to visit but something felt off.

"Mommyyyy!!!" the twins came rushing towards me. "Look at us!!" they shouted. I took a clear look at them and saw that they were wearing a ghost costume. It was really really cute. [if I can find the time to, I'll draw it hehe]

"that's very cute...but why are you guys dressed like that?" I tilt my head to the side a bit.

"Eh? Yuki, don't you remember?" SHalanrk was shocked as he walks over to the twins.

"It'sssss HALLOWEEN!!!!" the three of them shouted.

"Oh" I was surprised. A lot has happened and I guess I kind of forgot. "Then let's go, let's go trick or treating" I said as I got up and walk towards the front door.

"Waitttt!!!" Shalnark said. "We'll take them out, you guys stay here" SHalnark push me towards the brat, leaving Azumi, Chrollo, the brat and myself at home while the others are went out.

"...' I look at the brat.

"Ne, we should go~" Azumi said to Chrollo.

"I guess we should~" he said it back playfully.

"We'll let you guys have fun~~~" She smile at me before facing CHrollo. She yank him closer towards her "Besides~~ I need a treat~~"

"My,my~~" Crhollo play along. Azumi then opens the gate and both of them went in. Now, it really is just us.... I was panicking a bit as I took a glance at him. I saw that he was looking my way as well.

"..." it was completely silent. "...I...I should go do some... stuff" I said as I rush to my room. As soon as I open the door and walk inside, I saw that something was on the bed.

"...W..Wha!!!" I shouted in surprise as I sort of fell on the ground. It was the brat, he got off the bed and walk towards me who was sitting on the floor.

"Hey~" He said....There was something off about him....His voice is deeper..., his hair is a bit shorter...he looks more build and more mature.... The brat squat down to look at me in the eye/eye level and hold my chin. "...Heh" I didn't reply at all. I was blushing and staring at him. It wasn't his usual look at all. This brat was wearing a black shirt with low cut neck and his sleeves rolled up. His face was all exposed and he had a really devilish look.


"...OPen " he said as he puts pressure on my lips with his thump. I react without any hesitation at all. He got closer and closer towards me as he starts to stick his tou he out.

"Oi!!" The door slammed open. I look over and saw the b..r..a...t... wait if he's there then ... who ... who is this??? I try my best to push the person who I was a bout to kiss away but I couldn't. His strength was too much for me to handle.  "OI!! Who do you think you are?" The brat slam the door close and walk closer was he growled.

"Meh you but in the future." He said as he pull me closer and closer.

"F-future?" I repeated.

"Yeah, thought it would be nice to give you a trick" he said as he hank my face closer towards him and lick my ear.

"KYAAAA!!!" I let my voice out in surprise.

"Tsk!!" The brat rush over and push us away from each their.

"What do you want?" The adult brat asked?

"Don't touch what's mine" The brat said as bth if them glare at each other.

"Heh, scared she's gonna be addicted to my moves than yours?" The adult Feitan provoked the brat. I know this will be trouble...... I try to move closer to the window by scooting over little by little.

"Where do you think your going?" Both of them said as the grab my legs.


"Let's prove here who is better" both of them said at the same time. This really is a trick.....

There will be a lemon continuation. I'm just really busy lately so I'm sorry if I could upload next week or if this chapter is too short. Andddd thank you those who voted for me in HXHwattyaward. 

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