Bond x Between x Us

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Yuki's POV

Tsk. This brat...I gave him a glare before Shaking my head a bit to get free of his grip.

" Should meh kill them?" the brat said as he move closer to Gon and Killua. My eyes widen and my body twitched. I glace down and saw that Nobunaga's blade was right at my neck, while the other's weapon were ready to strike me. I look over at Gon and Killua and it seems as though they are a bit scared. I need to protect them, if I don't and they try and fight this....they They WILL die. With all strength I got free of the Ryodan and was in front of Gon and Killua with my arms out trying to protect them.

"-wha" Nobunaga was shocked by my speed. I got through all their weapons in a blink of an eye...well...during the millisecond that I escape, my scarf got ripped by Nobunaga's sword. Tsk, that was my favorite scarf. I shifted my eyes to the brat in front of me. My eyes widen as I saw the look on his face. It was really rare...And I MEAN REALLY REALLY rare to see that brat surprise expression. I stare blankly at him before turning to face Chrollo. I bite my lips, I know that this makes me seems like a traitor...but I HAVE to protect them! I HAVE TO PROTECT GON AND KILLUA NO MATTER WHAT!

"..Y-Yuki?" Gon shuttered. " did you do that?" He asked but before I answered the door once again slammed open.

"Oniiii-chan!! Don't just leave me there with that old man!" A sharpe voice came from the eyes widen as I saw who she was... Alluka?!?! Damnit, I quickly turn to face Kalluto who was still sitting . This is bad... Kalluto must have join the troupe to find Killua and Alluka. Tsk, this can't get worst...

" AAAAAAAAAAALLLLUUUKKA! I found you-" tsk, it just got worst. Leorio grabbed Alluka my the shoulder before noticing the tension in the room. I facepalm myself and took a deep breath in.

"So much trouble in one day" I exhaled and whisper to myself. I look back at the Ryodan members that pinned me down. They got back on their feet and glare at me. I have a glare back, I need to get these guys to safety first...

"By the way, who is this 'Paku' person?" Out of nowhere their voice that everyone hardly heard spoke, it was Yamamoto.

"Pakuu~" I heard a whining voice behind me and when I turn around, I saw Gon holding in his tears. "She's so kind" he added before tears came running down his face.

"Gon, you cried bout her every time her name is mentioned" Killua said and he rub the back of his neck.

"But but, she's so kind. She put her friends first and die so that she could protect them" Gon rub his eyes till his eyes turned red. I sigh and went down on my knees facing him.

"It's fine..." I pat his head to calm him down.

"Hmmmm... did you meet her before?" Yamamoto asked and I turned to him. I tilt my head and point my index finger towards me. Is he asking me? Yamamoto then nodded with a smile.

"... I've seen her before" I answered calmly and I look at Chrollo. " ... I was in the aircraft when there was an exchange between you and these two" as soon as I finished the sentence I look back at Gon. "...I...also found out more about her from these two. Gon was crying at the auction... something about Paku dying" I slowly got up and turn to face Nobunaga, it seems that the Ryodan have calmed down.

"Why don't you four join us" Yamamoto said cheerfully as he pat a seat, telling them to come sit. I glare at him. There's no way I'm letting them stay. Kalluto is here....this will be bad for both Killua and Alluka. I shift my eyesight towards the brat. There's also him... he has been in a foul mood since we arrive here. There is a chance he might actually kill these four...

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