How it all began

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It was a beautiful night, a beautiful night to make the full moon turn red. I was on my mission to assassinate the heir of the Mores family. I was dressed in my assassinate clothing, covering her face with the cat-like mask ( no one has ever seen the real identity of her as an assassin). As I stealthily enters the mansion, I have already killed 25 high rank men users protecting the mansion.

" They didn't even put up a fight " I sigh as I entered the heir room.

" Now shoot, kill her now " the heir of the family shouted as dozen of bullets shoots towards me in every direction. I dodge every single one of the bullets while cutting their bodies.

"Let's go up to the roof " I whispered behind the heir's ear as I place a sharp blade on his neck ready to behead him.

As we walk up I force him to confess all the crimes he did. He admits that he did kidnap children's and selling them off, some that were weak had been killed and their bones were used to make art sculptures which he had in his mansion. As I listen to his confession my anger builds up and I slit his throat open. Blood splattered everywhere and which that blood I use it was if it was paint to write on the wall on the rooftop. " Bloody Crimson" as a signature of my work.

----Time past-----( around 2 weeks )

*Beep Beep Beep* my phone was ring in the evening nonstop. I picked up the call and it was a request from someone to exterminate the Ryodan. My eyes widen and I replied "I'll see whether they will be exterminate or not" with that i hung up. ' Are the Ryodan that bad? Do they kill with reason or do they just like to kill?' questions popping up in my mind. I wouldn't accept any request if it means killing innocent people, but the Ryodan... do they have a reason to kill? "Guess there is one way to find out" I spoke to myself as I put on my glasses, wear my worn out clothe, and had my side bag on.

Its been 20 minutes since I left my place and I'm out to find any clue about the Ryodan, that's when...

"Hey don't you think that they look familiar?" a civil whispered to one another." Yeah .... their the guys in the 'WANTED DEAD' poster....The Ryodan" . My eyes widen as I see two blonde guys, one with green eyes and the other with no eyebrows,  walking in front and a small guy with jet black hair walking behind the two blondes. The guy with the spike black hair glare at me with the corners of his eyes which made my heart beats faster and before I knew it I couldn't take my eyes of him.

"Miss what would you like?" the server asked me which has brought me back to reality. " Its fine I'm about to leave...sorry for the bother" I rushed out of the outdoor cafe to follow three of the Ryodan members stealthily without any of the members noticing.

It had been 10 minutes since I left the cafe and follow the three members. 'So this is their hideout' I thought to myself as they reached their base at an old worn out building. I grabbed my notepad in my bag and began to draw the base as well as the three members, capturing their unique characteristic so that it would be easier to remember them. First was the smile on one of the blonde's face, the person with no eyebrow, and the cool silver gray eyes of the last guy which has send chills down my spine with just drawing his eyes. I let out a sigh of satisfaction after I have finished the drawing, as i put the notepad in my bag I had let down my guard a little and before I knew it I sense a dangerous aura behind me and I dodge his attack.  What I saw was the black jet guy standing in front of me while looking down towards me with his ice cold glare.

Feitan's POV

'eehhhh....  she can dodge meh attack.....not bad' he thought as he stared at Yuki. My eyes narrowed as I look at her 'wait wasn't she the girl at the cafe? she followed us here without us noticing....ehhhhh' he thought as he grinned under is bandana. ' Lets see what her got' I strike her with a few punches and she avoided each and everyone of them. I saw that she was trying to run away I grabbed her wrist and pulled her; however, she counter attack me when I was pulling her with a high kick which was aimed of my head. Avoided swiftly but I end up letting go of her wrist, she then keeps attacking me with a few kicks and punches which I easily avoided. We were fighting for about 15 minutes before she slips on her own worn out pant and fell on top of me.

"Oi.... " I said scratching my head and opening my eyes "what the hell are yo-" before I could  finish my sentence I look straight into her deep blue eyes even though she worn glasses I could tell how mysterious and pretty her eyes were.

Yuki's POV

I was on top of the guy, embarrassed that I a professional assassin slipped on my own clothing..... I could just die. I tried to get up and when I do... our eyes meet...our face were a few inches apart, my body was telling me to move but those eyes captured me. His eyes are just like the moon shinning bright in the jet black sky, it was just so pretty and I...

"...Like it" I said without knowing. His eyes widen and once I snapped out of it, my face busted red and my eyes widen. "Tha-Thats not wa-what I meant" I said was I jumped off of him. I could hear his laugh a little at my reaction as he sat up.

" Then, what do you mean?" He asked as he smirks under his bandana. I didn't answer his question since I was stunned by his voice... a cold and deep voice yet I want to hear more....The guy stood up and glare at me having an annoyed look on his face.

"Oi, meh asked y-" before he could finish his sentence he was interrupted by a male voice though its a little sharp "hey, the boss wants us to meet up. Fei you around here?". Both our eyes widen and before I knew it I ran off as fast as I could.

~~~~~~~That night( around 2 hours after escaping)~~~~~~~~

I got out of the bathroom in a long white t-shirt ( which is my pj) and i was wiping my hair dry on the bed. ' Fei.... was that his name?...his eyes were so pretty I could stare at it forever.... His voice was so mesmerizing, wish I could hear his voice again..." my thoughts went on and on about him for hours.

Feitan's POV

I sat on the stone far away from the others since they were taking about the girl I mention to them. They were thinking whether or not they should ask her to join or just kill her. While they were aruging I was thinking to myself and wondering off ' meh never seen eyes like that... her voice  quite sweet ...meh wanna hear more.' I smirk ' her easy to read she be fun to tease' he thought .

Yuki's POV

'N-No I have to stop, not only did I got zero information about the Ryodan but now my head is filled with that guy' I blush heavily as i buried my face into the pillow.

Narrative (?) POV

' Once more.... I want to see him, hear his voice.... ' Yuki's last thought before she fell flat asleep.

' Once more.... meh want to see her, hear her voice.... ' Feitan's last thought before shutting his eyes.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hello, like i said before that this is my first Fan-fiction... and is the first time that I've written smthing like this so plz don't expect much and i know that my English isn't that good.... and so is my story line but im trying my best so i hope that you like it  =^^='' I'll try to post as often as I can.

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