The x Shower x Romance

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Everything was pitched black. All my senses slowly come back to me as I start to regain consciousness.

"...warm..." I muttered to myself as I snuggle closer to the warmth near me.

"Oi" a raspy voice said. I slowly open my eyes and look up. It was the brat, he looked all beaten up...

"What...what happened to Christ?!" I shouted in surprise.

"Tsk, you wake and that what you ask about?" The brat growled at me. I couldn't say anything but something caught my attention. The warmth that I was snuggling against was his warmth... he was carrying me, bridle style.

"Whaa " I burst red and try to get off of him, but I couldn't. His grip got more and more rough each time I try to get away. His clothes were partly ripped and his coat was gone.

"You should stay still" Chrollo walk up to me and said. "You got burned pretty bad" as soon as he said that, I quickly look at myself... it's true that I got burned but...compared to what I've been through, this is nothing.

"" I wanted to ask Chrollo about what happened to Christ and the other circus members but knowing that the brat is holding me...he would probably crash my bones with his hand if I mention Christ's name.

"Don't worry, Feitan burned everything" Shalnark said. He and the other Ryodan members were covered with wounds.

"...sorry..."  I look down. It was sorta my fault that they got injured.

"For what?" Chrollo asked as every kept walking.

"I...I got you guys injured didn't get the Christ's ability at all" I said while looking at Chrollo.

" Don't worry about the ability." Chrollo patted my head.

"Tsk" The brat clicked his tongue.

"Well, it's your fault that all of us are injured! Especially Fei!" Elaine shouted from the back. "Why does he have to carry you anyways?!?!" She then questioned.

"Technically, Yuki is the person who did the most work and got injured" Shalnark scratched his chin.

"But Fei doesn't need to carry her!!" Elaine was pissed.

"She has a point~. I'll carry her instead~" Hisoka stood in front of me and the brat, holding his hand out, ready to carry me.

"Hands off, clown" The brat growled as he was really pissed. Both of them exchange their deadly intense glare.

"Both of you, cut it with the nonsense and get moving" Machii said as he walks ahead.  Everything was silence as we walk back to the base.


It took a while before reaching the base. Once we got into the base, everyone sorta went their separate ways. They either went to get cleaned, take care of their wounds or just go for a nap.

"Thanks...I should go take a little could you let me down?" I asked the brat but he didn't. He only kept walking.

"Ne! Since we're back at the base, you could let her go and spend some time with me-" Elaine grabbed the beat's shoulder to stop him.

"Don't touch meh" The brat growled as he let out his killer aura. This might be the first time Elaine has witness it herself. She was shocked. Her knees give out and she fell on the ground, trembling in fear. I kept silence... if I said anything that orate the brat...I'm done for.

Feitan x Yuki (Torturer X Assassin)Where stories live. Discover now