Our x Fate

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Akira's POV

"...I..I don't know..." I replied. " I don't know when she will wake up" The moment I said that, The guy in jet black rushed out of the room in a blink of an eye.

"...I want to ask you guys something..." I look over at who I assume was the boss. "What exactly is he to Yuki?"

"He?..." the blonde hair boy tilt his head a bit "Oh, you mean Fei?"

"Yes. What is his relationship with Yuki?" I asked.

"..." All of them look at each other, hesitating to answer.

"Just tell me the truth" I said.

"...Why do you want to know what kind of relationship they have?" The boss asked.

"why?...He seems to care a lot about her...even when I just touch her a bit, he got really pissed off...." I said that as the three of them were letting out cold sweat. "...There's that and..." I look at the twins. "They really remind me of Yuki" I pat both of their heads.

".....It's exactly what you think.." The boss replied.

"...I see...." I'm a bit relieve that she found someone who cares so much for her.

Feitan's POV

Meh quickly rushed to the room she was in. The moment meh got to the room, meh stood there staring at the tank....Will she ever wake up? meh slowly walk over to the tank and place meh right hand on the tank.

"meh didn't give you the permission to leave meh yet..." meh muttered before letting meh life energy out to try and interact with her.

Yuki's POV

I slowly open my eyes and saw nothing but darkness. I guess I really did die....but at least I was able to protect him and the twins.... I close my eyes for a second and slowly open them again, the whole place changed. I am now standing on A grassy field. I look forward and saw a river, I turn around and look at the other way and saw A huge black  door  with a golden clock on it. I guess the clock is counting down my time in the physical world.

"..." I slowly walk towards the door, as I reach for the door knob, I heard a voice calling me. It made me stop for a second....I must have been imagining it....I close my eyes and took a deep breath before placing my hand on the door knob.

"OI!!!!!" I jumped a bit and quickly turn around.....

"...Fei...tan...?" I muttered a bit. Tears slowly starts to form and the tears slowly run down my cheeks. Even though he was at the other side of the river..... I'm just really glad that he's here.....that I get to see him before I go. I walk closer and closer towards the river.

"...hey..." he said.

"...mmh!" I replied as I wipe the tears of my cheeks....wait...why is he even here?! "..You...WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?!" I shouted at him.

"HHAA?!?" I glared at me.

"You shouldn't be here!!" I added.

"Meh came here to get you " He replied. My heart beats a bit faster the moment her said that.

"....I..I don't need you to come and get me....I-it's already the time for me to go...." I look over at the door.

"Your gonna leave the brats?" He muttered. My eyes widen and I quickly turn to him.

"....That's...." I hesitated a bit. "...I...I don't want to...but...I don't want to put them in any more danger" I bite my lip.

"They would prefer it if you're with them" he said.

"...How...How would you know?" I asked him.

"They are meh kids...no? They should feel they way meh feel" He pulls his bandana up a bit more.

"..." I blushed a bit. "....But I committed many crimes....It..it was also my fault that my parent and Kyo-nii died" I look down at the river that was reflecting my sorrow.

"Your bother don't think that way though" the moment he said that, my eyes widen and I quickly look up at him.

"...What..what do you mean...what do you mean by my 'brother'?" Everything went blank. Which brother did he meant?

"the guy called....what was his name again?" he tilt his head a bit.

"...Can you don't joke around at a time like this?" I told him.

"What do you mean?" he smirked.

"You never forget..no? Not even the littlest of things" I said as he chuckled a bit.

"his name is Akira" the moment he mention that name..by face turned completely pale...

"....He....ah!...there's no way he said that!! Beside, he ...he probably wants me to die anyway!" I shouted at him. Yeah...he would want me to die...in place of them....an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth...and their lives for mine.

"are you doubting meh?" he quested me.

"....There is just no way he would...he would say that! There is just no way!" I repeated.

"...If he wants you to die...he would have left you to die" Feitan stare straight into my eyes.


"He looked for you, he carried you, and right now we are at your family mansion" he told me.

"...." Tears slowly runs down my face uncontrollably.

"When he told us about your past, he had a really painful look on his face" he added.

"....Really?" I asked him.

"SO you will come back if he wants you back?" Feitan glare at me even more. "...For now..meh don't care why or who you are coming back because of. Meh just don't want you to leave" My heart beats even faster the moment I heard that.


"Since meh didn't give you permission to leave meh"

"..hahah" I burst out in laughter.

"OI!!!!" Feitan got a pissed off.

"Sorry...it was just that...it's really something you would say" I smile gently at him.

"....TSK.." he turned away a bit. "...come on..." he muttered as he reach out his hand.

"....Yeah...." I took his hand as he pulls me over to the other side.


I open my eyes and I saw nothing but water. I try to grasp for air since I accidentally knock off the breathing mask. I reached my hand up, trying to grab on something to pull myself up. In just a second, I felt someone pulling me up.

"Khaaa haaa...." I grasp and coughed. I look up and saw him...gently glaring at me. "....Ha...I-I'm back..." I smile at him.

"...mm...." he replied.

I really guess we can't be apart...I guess we really  fated to be together.


I do hope that you guys enjoy this chapter!!!!

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