The x Truth

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Yuki's POV

" they have the ability at this age....ha.... and to think that one of them holds power just like him as well..." Elaine said in shocked by what she saw. I know what she meant....One of the twins....,Ryo... Ryo really got his father's ability huh. Even though I'm also able to use the same power, the aura is more of Feitan's.

"...R-r..." I was trying to say their names but words just wouldn't come out. I don't want them to fall into the same trace as me and Feitan....that is, I don't want them to kill people.

"Ha...Both of you are trying to protect her, but do you know what she did? She killed my brother!!! She killed him! There's no way I'm letting her live after that. I will kill her right in front of you THEN I will kill both of you!!" Elaine screamed in rage. She walks closer to me and raise the danger up in the air and was about to stab me with it.

"OI!!!" A voice shouted as Elaine's dagger broke in half.

"...Fei...tan...." I muttered. He stood right in front of me, protecting me.

"Don't you dare" he glared at her.

"HA...Didn't you hear what I said? she killed my brother!!!"

"Yuki isn't the type to kill without a reason"  Shalnark said as he and Chrollo stood up from the brushes and walk closer to us. I was in shocked...this means that they heard our conversation..all of it... as my mind wonders, Feitan grab my arm and yank me up from the ground.

"Reason?! REASON?! what reason does she have?" Elaine starts to go insane. As everything starts to become quiet, the twins quickly rush over to hug me.

"Mommy!!!" they snuggle around my legs. "daddy, daddy! we keep pwomise!!" they said happily.

"...daddy?" I repeated as I look over at Feitan and he looks my way. I guess they already found out, huh.... I smiled softly.

"..." Feitan yank me closer to him and whispered in my ear  " can call meh daddy too you know" he smirked. I blushed and push him a way slightly.

"...NOt only did you kill my also took the person I love" Elaine growled.

"Why don't you let her explain what really happen?" Chrollo finally steps in.

"Explain?! Explain what?!" Elaine shouted non stop. " I don't need to hear her explanation!!"

"It's best to hear both side of the story" Chrollo added.

"........fine.... you have 5 minute" Elaine gave in. Maybe because she's scared of Chrollo? I mean, he is our leader....

"Yuki? would you do they honor?" Chrollo asked. I hesitated a bit before nodding.

"....B..back then... I worked...with the Zoldyck family when I was younger.....and they happened to be hired by someone...The person who hired us said that he want us to exterminate a chain of people.....That's when I met him...." I look down before look back at Elaine. "That's when I met your brother. I pretend to be just an ordinary person and got closer to him.... HE did mention you...and about his past. How he was very poor but you guys got help....later on you guys had respect, money.....everything....But don't you want to know HOW you really have all of that?" I asked Elaine.

"Huh? What do you mean?" SHe asked me back.

"....The person who helped you...didn't once give you money or at least not enough money for you to be gaining that much respect." I replied.

"They respected us because we were the best of the best!!!!" Elaine counters me.

".... are you sure about that?" I asked her. "....The person who helped both of you guys back then was actually in charge of a really big drug chain. He was the head of the operation." I said.

"...what...." Elaine was speechless.

"...They reason he helped you guys and trained both of you is so that both of you could do his dirty work....but your brother didn't want that so he took all the burden. He act as the middle person, exchanging cash for drugs.....he was also the test subject....." I said as I look down on the floor.

"LIES!!! Your lying!!" Elaine tries to deny everything I said.

"I'm not lying. What I'm telling you is the truth!"  I shouted back at her.

"IS that why you killed him? Cause he was doing drugs?!" Elaine asked with tears in her eyes.

"...No..." I look at the ground before closing my eyes. "....He...He asked me to kill him....He asked me to end his pain and stop it all." I replied.


Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!"

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