The x Secert x Part1

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"What do you guys  mean?" Chrollo frowns a bit as he stare at both me and Azumi. The other members look at Azumi, like she have a plan to betray them anytime.

"Well, both me and Yuki..." she walks over to me. " Both of us can read ancient writings" She said cheerfully.

"What does it say?" Shalnark asked. I look over towards him but saw the brat glaring at me. I flicked a bit before looking down on the ground.

"OI! What does it say?!" Nobunaga was pissed. I'm not sure if he's pissed at me or Azumi...or maybe the both of us...maybe he thinks that we plan to trap them here or something.

"Calm down. She probably don't even know what it says" Elaine said in a provoking tone of voice.

"Well, you can't even read it" Azumi stood up for me, but it only made things worst. Both Azumi and Elaine glare at each other so hard that I could see sparks.

"Sigh, let's just get this over with while we can" I said before walking closer towards the door.

" 'while we can'?" Phinks emphasized. I turn towards him and turns back towards the door without saying a thing.

"So what does it say?" Chrollo asked. I slowly place my hand on the door and trace my hands along the letters.

" Do you want me to read all of it? Or do you guys want me to summarize it?" I asked him back.

"All of it" he replied. I nodded and took a deep breath in before reading them the passage on the door.

'All around us but we can't see. It gives life and carries us.
It's everywhere we stand on. It nourishes the living organisms little by little.
Bring both the light  to the world. Burns and destroy anything it touches.
Anything it comes in contact dissolves or heal with just a wave or two. Something so calm could also be destructive.
These are four essentials of life'

"That's all?" Nobunaga asked with a confused look on his face.

"What does it mean?" Phinks scratches the back of his head.

"It's easy" Azumi said. "The last line clearly said 'these are four essentials of life' don't you guys get it?" She continues. Everyone was still a bit confused.

"...Elements...the four elements" Chrollo said as he perks up in delight as Azumi gave him a smile.

"So what do we do with it?" Machii asked. "Now that we know what it says, what do we do?"

"Hmm... there should be a place..." I muttered to myself as I wonder around, looking everywhere.

"Yuki?" Shalnark called out my name but I didn't hear it.

"Maybe....." I stood in the middle of the room and took a deep breath in.

"Oi, what are you-" The brat said but I let out my aura... more like I forced it out, trying my best to control it. It was only a few seconds that I let my aura loss since the brat stopped me. He yank my arm toward him, glaring at me.


"Don't you dare ignore or interrupt meh" The brat growled. It sends shiver down my spine but as I was about to tell him why I did what I did, there was a small earthquake.

"A-see what you did?!" Elaine blamed me for the cause of the earthquake. I might have been the cause of it but it's so that we could get through the door.

As everything keeps on shaking, there are four square holes on that ground that slowly forms. As the ground stop shaking, four golden metal-like torches approached out of the whole. Each on of the torch has a small gem on top of it. Looking at the door, the one in front is red. The right of it is white, then yellow and the last is blue.

"What are these?" Chrollo slowly walks towards the torches to look at it. I slowly shake my arm to get the brat's grip off while he's still surprise by what happened.

"It's ruby!!" Azumi shouted as he took a closer look at the gem. She then walks over to the other gems. "Ah!! And this is white diamond, yellow topaz and blue sapphire!!!" Azumi was really excited.

"So, gemstones are a girl's best friend,huh?" Chrollo teased Azumi as both of them exchange a smirk.

"So what do we do with it?" Phinks asked. I look over towards him and pointed at the door.

"We use the passage written on the door and these torches to open the door" I said calmly.

"The passage ?" Machii muttered to herself. "We know that it has something to do with the elements, but what?"

"This is why I need Yuki" Azumi said. "Can you guys move away from her and the torches?" Azumi ask kindly but non of them move an inch.

"Ne " Chrollo just said a single word and everyone instantly move out of the way. Wow.

"Let's see" I stand in the middle of all four torches and start at the door.

"Yuki?" Shalnark called my name.

"I think it has to be in that order...." I muttered to myself as I look around.

"Order?" Elaine said. "What order? What exactly are doing? Do you even know what your doing?" Questions after questions she kept on asking. It got pretty annoying.

"All around but we can't see...." I said the first sentence and slowly turn to the torch with white diamond. I took a deep breath in as I cup my hands up into a bowl in front of me. As I open my eyes slowly while exhaling, a small circular wind stares to spin in my hand.

"What the" Nobunaga and the others were shocked. I slowly walk up tot he force and place the small circular wind there.

"Next would be..." I turn over to the yellow topaz torch and place my hand out. Using my strength, a piece of rock flys up from the ground and levitates on the torch.

"She...she could control the elements?!" Chrollo muttered out loud.

"No way..." Machii and the others says as I move turn over to the ruby torch.

"Fire... I place my left hand on the torch. It's hard enough to control and use one of the elements at the same time. But here I am, used two elements already....and I have two left....honestly, it's a miracle that I'm still standing since the temple makes it 100 times harder to control or use my powers.

"Yuki? You alright?" Azumi asked me since she saw that I was breaking it cold sweat. I nodded and a bright scarlet flame forms out of my left hand. I drag my foot over to the last torch.

"Water..."I look around to find water. "Do you guys have water?" I ask them.

"You can't form it?" Phinks asked back at me. I shook my head.

"In that case." Azumi walks over to me and took out a knife out of her mini skirt pocket.

"What are you..." before Elaine could finish her sentence, Azumi cut herself and let the blood drip on the ground.

"That should do it right?" She ask me and I have her a little smile.

"Yeah...thanks" I replied.

"Oi! What's-" Nobunaga didn't finish his sentence as he saw Azumi's blood, that was on the ground, slowly moves towards the torch in midair. I try my very best to keep all four elements going.

All four of the elements are place at their spots in order. Air, earth, fire and water. A few seconds after the last element was place on the torch, the door opened.

"It opens!!!" Shalnark shouted. But before I could celebrate them, felt really heavy...everything is fuzzy and before I know it, everything turn black....pitched black.


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and sorry if it's confusing. If there's anything confusing or not clear then feel free to ask. I'll try my best to clarify it =^^=

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