Hot or not ncis style tiva an mcabby

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Hello I've only just decided to write fanfictions and this will be my first so I really do not mind if no one reads them but would like people to !!

Ok so here we go

I don't own ncis or the characters if I did then Jenny would still be alive and they would have coupled up already

"So do you want to play hot or not" Tony suggested

"but I don't want to Tony,just get on with your work!" McGee angrily said

"Please mcpartypooper" Tony mocked

"Seriously with the mc nicknames they are getting old" McGee sighed

"I won't stop unless you play hot or not" Tony said

"Okay Okay! I will play but don't tell anyone about anything I say"

"Fine!" Tony sighed

Tony: let's start with our little friend down in the lab Abby scutio I think not because she's more like a sister and that would be wierd"

McGee: I definitely think hot have you seen her in those little dresses and platform boots!

Tony: wow McGee didn't need details ok your turn to choose someone

McGee: well ok then our Israeli co worker ziva David I think she's hot but no where near as much as Abby is!

Tony: obviously hot omg she is just so pretty and sexy may I add

McGee: looks like someone has a crush!

Tony: maybe I do have a crush on ziva you have a crush on Abby!!!

McGee: shhh if you don't tell I won't either

Tony: ok then next person our very own director Jennifer Shepard

McGee: n..

Gibbs: hot of course now get back to work!

Please tell me what you think. if no one tells me i wont continue and i would really like to if people want me to and should I continue when tony,gibbs and McGee tell the girls... Xx

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