Chapter 5

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Hello readers!! Chapter 5 is now up. Please follow me and vote this story if you like it!!!

Tony's POV:

We arrived at the diner at exactly 6:00. Gibbs McGee and there dates were already there. Abby looked beautiful. This is one of the rare occasions that I've seen her with her hair down. Jenny is stunning she has a red long dress which comes to her feet. But only have eyes for one girl in this room.

We go and sit down with the others and say our hellos. Then suddenly mcgeek stands up an taps his wine glass


This is it this is what they need to know

McGee: I would like to inform you me and Abby are in a relationship

I heard a slight gasp but then most of them congratulated us but there was one person who did not and that is the one person I wanted it from the most.

Gibbs signalled me to follow him to the toilets so I did

McGee: Gibbs I know rule 12 is there but I am in love with her you can't stop us!!

Gibbs: I'm not mad...

McGee: I don't care what you think I love her. Wait you said you weren't mad?

Gibbs: yes It was inevitable. But hurt her and you die!!

McGee I won't Gibbs

This is short because I have to go to school but comment and vote and follow!!!!!!!!! Xx

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