Chapter 3

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McGees pov

Me and Abby have been secretly dating for a year now so asking her won't be difficult I just wish we could tell the rest of the team.


Abby: ok ok McGee

McGee: we have been invited to the teams annual dinner and I want you to be my date!

Abby: can we tell the team please it's killing me that they don't know!

McGee: yes if course Abby. Can I pick you up at 6?

Abby: yeah sure

Gibbs pov (Jenny's office)

Gibbs: hey Jen

Jenny: hello jefro what brings you to my office

Gibbs: well we have been invited to a team dinner and I want you to be my date

Jenny: what about rule 12?

Gibbs:Jenny I have regretted making that rule ever since I made it.

Jenny: of course I will be your date can you pick me up at 6?

Gibbs: yes I can director

Ok so short chapter I know but wanted to get this out of the way next chapter will come out after school proberly and it will be about the dinner and proberly mainly based on tiva but I will add some jibbs and mcabby in aswell. PLEASE COMMENT FOR MORE and thank you for the person who commented on both chapters! Xx

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