Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 is up!!! Keep doing what you are doing thanks so much I really enjoy reading the comments and any improvements I will also read and change any parts to make it better

Zivas POV

Ziva: it's positive I'm pregnant

Abby: THAT'S AMAZING our kids can be best friends

Ziva: I'm going to make a doctors appointment now

I got out my phone an called the doctors

Doctor: hello

Ziva: hello I was wondering if I could book in a appointment

Doctor: yes of course what do you think is wrong

Ziva: I'm pregnant

Doctor: well we will book you In when would you like it

Ziva: tommorow morning?

Doctor: yes we can do that 9:30 ok with you

Ziva: yes that's lovely thanks

I put down my phone and walk into the squad room

Gibbs: have a nice chat with Abby did you

Ziva: yes it was very pleasant

Gibbs: I suppose you didn't know Abby accidentally left the video player on

Ziva: Gibbs I'm soo sorry

Gibbs: it's ok. It's tony you want to be worrying about

Then I realised tony wasn't in the squad room

McGee: congrats ziva our kids can be friends

Tony: what's this about ziva and kids?

McGee: I'm going to Abby

Gibbs: ill go to Jenny. Good luck ziver

Ziva: thanks Gibbs

Tony: what is everyone on about zi

He took a step closer

Ziva: put two and two together kids+me=pregnant

Tony: is it mine

Ziva: of course it is

Tony: why did you go to Abby instead o me

Ziva: because I thought she could do a blood test but instead she handed me a pregnancy test and it came back positive

Tony: well that's amazing I always wanted a child

Ziva: I thought you hated children

Tony: I may have a soft side for children plus its your child so I will naturally love it

Thanks for reading sorry it's short

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