Chapter 6

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Ok so I like this story but would like more view so if you have any friends who you think will enjoy it tell them to read it and remember to vote, comment and FOLLOW!! X

Zivas POV

We were walking out of the restraunt when suddenly a bomb went off. I covered tony even though it was kind of his job to do that. I knew I saw a suspicious but familiar man in there. I should have spoke up! One of the team could have been killed and I could have prevented it happening. What about all of the other people in there they could have children who would be left as orphans and I would have prevented it but I was too caught up with tony I can't let that get in the way of my job ever again. I have to shut my feelings for tony away and remain professional

Gibbs POV

Really tonight of all nights when I could have actually told my feelings to Jenny someone had to set a bomb off I have to remain professional

Gibbs: someone call an ambulances and fire service whilst we get back to the office as it dosent look like you were seriously hurt but all of you will get checked out by ducky then we will get started on our case!!

Everyone: yes boss

I know very short chapter will update again today for you guys who are reading it! PLEASE FOLLOW ME!!!

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