Chapter 21

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Ok so this is the epilogue thanks for reading I HAVE ANOTHER NCIS FANFICTION so stay tuned !!! By the way I am very emotional because I really like this story and now it's finished :(

Talia is now 20 years old. And starting a family of her own with her best friend leroy and there chocolate labrourdoar

Ziva and tony had another 3 children after talia. They had Anthony jimmy after tony and jimmy who is now 16 and god parents are jimmy and Breena and Jennifer Abigail after jenny and abby who is 14 and god parents are jenny and gibbs and Elijah jefro or E.J after Eli and Gibbs who is now 10 and god parents are ducky and coast guard Abby

Tony and ziva do not plan to have any more children and tony has taken over from Gibbs and ziva took over as tony and they got a new team member Ellie bishop who they all love

Abby and McGee have leroy Timothy who is 20 and the god parents are ziva and tony and Sarah Emily after McGees sister and she is 15 and Sarah and her boyfriend is the god parents and twins Alice Marie and Matilda rose who are 12 and coming up to be future models there god parents are Gibbs and Jenny for Alice and Abby coastguard and ducky for Matilda

Abby and McGee got married 2 years after tony and ziva

Jenny and Gibbs are retired and did eventually get married and had 2 children Amelia Shannon and Joshua James josh is 17 and Amelia is 16 and all the kid have been best friends since they were small

Gibbs built each child a crib with there name inscribed

Talia is amazing at fighting and too interested in knives which scares tony and leroy and already works along side her mum and dad at NCIS as a young agent

Jennifer is interested in guns and cleans them all the time and wants to be like her mum and dad

Elijah is good at football

Anthony is good at basketball and going to a basketball colledge

Leroy is a computer geek and does a course at a colledge by home

Sarah is amazing at science and wants to be like her mum

Alice and Matilda are both models already and are signed up to a company

Josh goes to a sports college

Amelia is about to go to the same college and do teacher training to become a pe teacher

Thanks for reading please read my other story's loved this story!! Xxxxxx

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