Chapter 8

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Tony's POV

I woke up to and empty side of the bed and got worried. Was it all a dream ? I hope not I got my answer when the smell of pancakes and coffee drifted into the room. so I got up and made my short trip to the kitchen where I found ziva making breakfast. I snuck begging her and put my arm around her waist she flipped me onto the floor which was not what I expected

Tony: seriously sweetcheeks?

Ziva: sorry but you should know better than to sneak up on a trained assassin. She chuckled back

Ziva: anyway grubs up and be quick we have to be at work In a hour and you still need ti go home and get clothes because it would look odd coming into work with the same clothes as yesterday

Tony: why do I need new clothes its not like I stayed in them very long

Ziva: because you reek!!

Tony: I do not

Ziva: uh huh

Tony: no I do not smell

Ziva: whatever you say tony now seriously eat we have a case concerning us remember and a bomb that nearly killed the best team in NCIS including the director!

Tony: yes mam

Sorry short chapter school (sighs) but today is the last day for a week so yeah! Read my other story's please and comment vote and follow

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