Chapter 13

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Mcgees POV

I went down to see Abby when I noticed she had red eyes from where she had been crying I ran up to her and hugged her

McGee: what is the matter?

Abby: I'm...I'm

McGee: your what

Abby: I'm pregnant

McGee: how long

Abby: 4 weeks

McGee: this is amazing my own child. It is mine right

Abby: of course it is idiot. She sniffled

McGee: it will be ok

Abby: I'm not sure if I'm ready

McGee: you are you will be a brilliant mother

Abby: thank you McGee you always know what to say

McGee: we should tell the team soon

Abby: yes I will tell Gibbs and autopsy you can tell the director ziva and tony

She kissed me sweetly and I walked out smiling

Tony's POV

Gibbs had gone to get coffee a couple of minutes ago so it was just me and ziva suddenly she got up and ran to the bathroom. That's weird it's like the 3 time today I will speek to her about it later then McGee came back with an annoying smile on his face

Tony: What's with the smile mclover boy

McGee: Abby's pregnant!

Then ziva came out looking pale

Ziva: congratulations McGee!!

Tony: yeah congrats

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