Chapter 2

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Ok so I kind of figured out how to change a chapter so if this isn't right please tell me. Also I am in and from England so If you are from any where else I may be posting at inconvenient times for you also I may use slightly different words for different things. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE ASK ME!!!

Tony's pov:

Ok so me McGee and Gibbs have decided to tell the girls today when we are going on a team date but we have made a promise we ask one of the girls out each I'm going to take ziva McGee is going to take Abby and Gibbs is going to take Jenny. I still can't believe Gibbs is actually going to tell Jenny he still is in love with her even though rule 12 was made because of her all I can say is rule 12 is definetly out the window

Today was the day me McGee and Gibbs were

I went onto my email to ask ziva out and I know it is not the most romantic way to ask her out but I was scared if rejection If its face to face

My email

Hey zi! - new nickname for you

Would you like to come to dinner as my date with the team please?

-tony xx

Zi vas pov

I was doing some paper work when suddenly my computer made a pinging noise indicating that I had a email it made me jump which made tony chuckle a little bit. I really do hate the fact I have been falling in love with him all theese years and now I was falling. Hard.

Right back to the email and guess who it was from? tony!

I read it and read it again I already knew my answer

To tony

Hey tony and by the way that is one nickname I don't mind ! And I would really love to come as your date to the teams dinner can you pick me up?

From ziva xx

Tony's pov

SHE SAID YES SHE SAID YES!!! I know had a massive grin on my face which only ziva recognised thankfully! I began typing back instantly

To ziva

Of course I can pick you up. 6pm after work wear something nice


Tony xx

New chapter up do you like it or do you hate it tell me any views and by the way thanks to the person that told me to continue otherwise I wouldn't have! Xx

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