Chapter 4

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4th chapter I'm not sure if anyone wants this chapter or if anyone is still reading but ill write it anyway

Tony POV

I went to pick up Ziva at 5:45 this is the only thing I would ever be early for
I knock on the door and she opened almost immediately I could feel my jaw drop she had the green dress she wore when we went undercover and her hair was down and in light curls just as I liked it

Tony: wow ziva you look just wow

Ziva: thank you tony you don't look so bad your self apart from the drawling.

Tony: well m'lady I will escort you to our carriage well my car anyway!

Gibbs POV:
I was stood infront of Jenny's door to nervous to knock I think to myself have nothing to loose so i knocked an she opened the door

Gibbs: jen you look amazing

Jenny: well jefro I sure hope so it did take me like 2 hours to get this good

I let out a genuine smile at her comment

Gibbs: well we better get going or we will be late and we won't want that

I take her hand and lead her to the car

McGee POV:

I rang Abby's doorbell because she wouldn't hear if I knocked because the music was so loud

Abby: hey handsome

McGee: hey beautiful

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and got into my car and headed to the restraunt

Yay next chapter done! By the way I have changed my name to crazygirly123 so please follow me!!!! Comment what you think xxx

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