Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 now coming up vote comment and follow for more

At the ware house

Gibbs POV

Gibbs: me and ziva around the back dinozzo McGee around the front and be careful. I told them

Me and ziva went into the house I checked the living room whilst she checked the downstairs bedroom then I heard 3 gunshots from the bedroom I ran in finding Samuel Adams on the floor along with Ziva I knelt down to Ziva's body and held up her head there was blood seeping through her top she opened her eyes and I told her to look at me an keep talking she mumbled something quietly then blacked out again.

Shortly after McGee and tony rushed threw the door tony went pale on seeing ziva I told McGee to phone an ambulance and tears rolled off of his face at the sight and he mumbled

Tony: she's not dead is she?

Gibbs: no not yet anyway

McGee came back in and told us the ambulance should be here any minute

Gibbs: tony you will go with ziva to the hospital me and McGee will go to the office and tell the team and give ducky Samuels body then me and the team will meet you there got it?

Tony: yes boss. He mumbled nearly in audible.

Hope you like it sorry for all the short chapters but I do update regularly

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