Chapter 18

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7months into pregnancy 2 months to go

Zivas POV

I woke up to find my fiancé led next to me the sun was shining perfectly on his face and he looked gorgeous. Then I felt really sick so I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Curse you morning sickness. I then felt someone holding my hair and rubbing my back I turned around to find tony staring back I got lost in his beautiful green eyes that I forgot I was still on all fours.

I got up and headed for the kitchen I made myself a water and tony a coffee

Tony: can we go baby shopping today and can we pick a name out

Ziva: we could do the name now?

Tony: shall we have something personal

Ziva: I would like that

Tony: urm how about talia kaitlyn dinozzo

Ziva: omg I love it thanks now we can get stuff personalised!!

I decided to ring up Gibbs as he wanted to be the first to know when we decided on a name and tony decided to phone up McGee

Ziva: hey Gibbs

Gibbs: hey ziva

Ziva: we have a name

Gibbs: good what is it

Ziva: talia kaitlyn dinozzo. Do you like it?

Gibbs: I love it ziva it will be a great name for my grand daughter!! And can you and tony come over at 1 ish please

I have something to show you

Ziva: yes sure thanks Gibbs your opinion meant alot

Gibbs: no problem bye ziva

Ziva: by Gibbs

I put down my phone and tony walked in

Tony: Tim and Abby have chosen there names

Ziva: yeah what is it

Tony: leroy Timothy McGee and they want us to be god parents

Ziva: did you tell them we wanted them

Tony: yep and they were thrilled

Ziva: good now lets go shopping oh by the way Gibbs wants us at his at 1

Tony: ok


We first went into a paint shop because we have done basically nothing in the baby's room we debated on a light pink or a light blue in the end we decided for purple as it wasnt a typical boy couler or a typical girl colour

The next shop was for push chairs an high chairs and that stuff we got a light blue push chair and a wooden high chair and a red car seat and a nappy changing bourd

We went into a clothes shop and brought a baby grow which was pink and said mummy's little girl and a identical one saying daddy's little girl and one saying warning there's a ninja princess here and some nappys

We went into a jewlery shop and ziva brought a necklace identical to her Star of David one but with talia ingraved on the back

Then it was 12:37 and we decided to go home put the stuff away an then to Gibbs we got to Gibbs house at around 1:05 which was good going

Gibbs: hey ziver hey tony

Together: hey Gibbs

We went in and saw McGee and Abby already here

Gibbs: follow me to the basement all of you

We followed him and down there were two identical cribs they were a old type of wood and they were polished on the side of one had talia kaitlyn and on the Side of the other was leroy Timothy and at the side if the cribs was a rocking horse which was wood and inside the crib was a matteress and a baby sized illuminous work jacket saying grandads little helper which was really cute

Ziva+Abby: omg I love them

Tony+McGee: thanks Gibbs so much

We stayed for a while then took the stuff and went home

Thanks for reading the chapter

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