Chapter 14

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Hello people I never thought I would get this many votes or comments so thank you to those people who did

Zivas POV: something is wrong I have thrown up all morning I run to the elavator and press the familiar button to labby


No answer but I can see her dancing to the deafening music

Ziva: ABBY

Abby: oh hey ziva I didn't see you there

Ziva: Abby turn down the music

Abby: sorry ziva. Anyway what do ya need

Ziva: I need help?

Abby: what do you mean ziva? She sounded worried

Ziva: I've been feeling ill but it's mostly in the morning and I've missed my period I'm really scared Abby

Abby: sounds like something familiar. Go and do this test

Ziva: Abby this is a pregnancy test

Abby: I know it is silly

Ziva: Abby, I'm not ready to be a mum and if I am pregnant it is Tony's and he hates kids

Abby: ziva, you will be fine and tony will be in love with the child because it will be part of you

Ziva: you always know what to say Abby that's why your my best friend

Abby: wuv you

Ziva: wuv you to

Abby: now go take it

I took the test and five minutes later I looked at it and

Abby: so what is it

Ziva: it's positive I'm pregnant Abby

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