chapter 1

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*knock knock*
"Brooke wake up sweetie I have to go to work so I won't be able to take you to school so make sure to wake up your brother okay baby girl." My mother said through my door.
I yawned and rolled off of my bed. Ugh I hate Mondays with a passion. It's horrible to wake up on a Monday morning after a long weekend with your annoying best friends checking up on you because of a little bug you been having. I mean I know they care but I'm not a baby and I need time to take care of myself. Opening my room door I'm greated by my beautiful mother so happy and shit on a Monday morning.

"What has you glowing?" I asked when she pulled me into a bear hug.

"Nothing baby mommy just has to hurry up because someone's getting a big promotion!" She broke into the biggest smile I have ever seen since my father left her.

"Mom that's amazing oh god that means your going to be out of the house and out of town more often right?" I said a little bit of disappointment laced into my tone. Her face dropped and from that I knew the answer.

"Sweetheart I know I'm barely around now and especially a growing girl needs her mom around but I want to be able to show your father that with or without him we are going to make it!." She explained. I just pulled her into a hug because I know that she is just trying her hardest and sometimes I wish she doesn't stress her self out but I have to give it to my mother she's brave and has been since my father left.
" How are you feeling by the way baby? Still sick?" My mother's concern voice soothingly asked.

"No mommy I'm fine just go to work if I get sick I'll just have Jason or Emily take me to the hospital." I reassured her. After that my mother kissed my forehead and rushed out the door. Walking back into my room I saw that it was 7:15 I had exactly twenty minutes to get ready. Running into my closet I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans and a white crop top with a black and white flannel. Showering in under ten minutes and finishing up my makeup was not a hard task now waking up my brother that's where life took a turn to laugh at me.

"Wake up a**hole you have to drive me to school and we can't be late!" I yelled as soon as I walked into the room. Jason turned looked at me flipped me off then turned back around. Getting aggravated with his lack of responsibility I jumped on top of his bed and kicked him off. He yelped as his back touched the ground. If looks could kill I'll be dead.

"What the hell Brooke what is wrong with you ever heard of letting a nigga sleep?" He yelled aggravated as I was. I just rolled my eyes and got off his bed.

" You need to take us to school you dumb bean!" I huffed in annoyance. He just looked at me then walked into his bathroom. Well now that was fun. After exiting Jason's room I served me some cereal. Halfway through my cereal I got the wave of nausia and decided to just drink some water and wait for Jason. When Jason finally came down it was 7:50 we were definitely going to be late. When we finally got to school my nausia got the best of me and I dashed past all the wondering students to regurgitate into the toilet. This was definitely going to be a long day.

( Author's note this is my first time writing and publishing a story any comments feel free to let me know thank you enjoy your reading)

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