chapter 17

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"what the hell are you doing here?" I sneered unable to believe that after two whole years he decided to show up. He looked more grown up. He had that bad boy aura. As soon as his eyes traveled to my stomach he staggered back.

"Your pregnant?" He asked his voice in disbelief. Jake scoffed.

"Of course jacka** you thought you could come back here and she would magically be in your arms again?" Jake snarled. I looked at him then back at Mike. Freshman year Mike was my first boyfriend. He showed me and taught me things that I didn't know and he also broke my heart. On our sixth month anniversary he decided to try and sleep with me. He got mad when I didn't want to do it and decided to sleep with Heather's sister at the time Brittany. It made me realize that what we had wasn't love.

"Mike just go leave me alone and get out of my house before I call the police." I said in disbelief. He looked shocked at my words cause his mouth opened and closed like a fish. When he turned to leave he looked at me one last time before whispering...

"You need to just becareful. Jake won't always be around." He threatened before disappearing out the window. My throat closed up my heart swelled my eyes watered. What the hell did he mean?

"Baby go lay down. I'm going to go lock all the windows and doors just stay here." He whispered before laying me down. I was in shock. I couldn't breath think. My hand automatically went to my stomach. What did he mean? Is he going to hurt me? What's going to happen to my baby? What's going to happen to my family? All these thoughts running through my mind I didn't see Jake and Jason enter my room with Levi and Beast on their tails.

"Princess stop crying. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." Jake cooed into my ear as he embraced me into his arms.

" I can't believe that a**hole is back. What the flying f*ck was he thinking coming here in the first place?" My brother all but screamed in anger. One thing about my brother is his temper. That's what all the boys have in common is their temper.

"Your our family we definitely won't let anything happen to you or baby pumpkin." Beast promised. As soon as I finally was able to calm down. Jake wrapped me in his arms. I just closed my eyes while falling into a worried sleep.

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