chapter 11

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It's been three months since I been home. Everyone's been walking on eggshells around me. I mean I had a mini meltdown it's not like I'm going to do that again. I'm officially five months So far the baby's healthy as can be. My morning sickness is gone thank God. Me and Jake so far everything has been going good we been to the movies and out to eat. He visits the most out of all my friends but then again he is my boyfriend. At the moment me and Emily are sitting here thinking of baby names and her birthday party.

"I can't believe you said no to Amber rose!" Emily shrieked. I just laughed and shook my head.

" I am not naming my child after that women. I like Amanda rose Taylor or Isabella rose Taylor. And a boy Jake can pick." I stated before finishing my ice cream. Emily just smiled before shaking her head.

"I can't believe you guys are finally together and better having a baby. Like who would of known." She said chuckling. I just rolled my eyes. My room door was busted open with four sets of eyes on us.

"Ugh what do you guys want now?" I asked my brother Jake Chase and Mason annoyed. They just looked at us then threw themselves onto my bed. Talk about rudeness. I just glared at them before Jake came and lifted me off my chair and putting me on his lap.

"So what were you ladies doing?" Mason asked cheesing. I just laughed at his face but stopped immediately when I felt slight pressure. I gasped.

"What's wrong baby?" Jake asked his voice laced with concern. I just looked at him smiled then grabbed his hand and put it on the same spot. His eyes widened as our baby kicked.

" That's my nephew always seeking attention." Jason chuckled. Emily scoffed at his comment.

" She can be a girl you know. Amber rose." She squealed. I shook my head laughing.

" We are not naming our daughter that!" Jake's voice boomed with annoyance. I looked at him the kissed his cheek.

" Calm down it's either Amanda rose Taylor or Isabella Faith Taylor. And you can name our son." I told him in a soothing voice. He kissed my nose before agreeing.

" Ugh you guys are Soo cute. Why can't we have a baby Chase?" Emily whined while pulling on Chase. He rolled his eyes before glaring daggers our way.

" You see what you guys did. Now she wants a baby because Jake wants to be shooting his seeds everywhere in Brooke." Chase exasperated.

" Hey leave my baby alone your just mad that our daughter or son is getting all of moms attention." Jake stated back. I just laughed at this sibiling rivalry. These boys just make my day. Looking around my room I realized this is my family. I'm perfectly happy right now and I can't wait to bring home my healthy bundle of joy.

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