chapter 18

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It's been two weeks since we seen Mike. I'm never alone Jake or Jason are always by my side. Even using the bathroom Jake comes with me. I mean I don't mind but sometimes a girl needs her privacy. As my due date is coming everyone is getting more worried. Emily has been staying over more then ever but I don't mind I get to spend some time with my best friend, well that is when Chase isn't joined to her hip. This morning I woke up to everyone in my living room eating breakfast even my mom while Beast, Aaron, and Mason made breakfast.

"Good morning everyone." I said enthusiastically. Everyone's head snapped in my direction. Good morning here and there. Until two large arms wrapped around my waist.

"Good morning beautiful. How did you sleep?" Jake asked husky. His voice sent beautiful shivers down my spine. I just turned around and and wrapped my arms around his neck. Kissing him softly and pulling him as close as I can due to our little angel.

" I slept perfectly fine. I didn't want to wake up but someone had other plans." I said looking down at our growing daughter. Jake just laughed before scooting down to kiss my stomach. As soon as he kissed her I felt it. The terrible pain I been feeling all day.

"You okay baby?" Jake asked concern laced in his voice. I just gripped his shoulders harder as another wave of pain hit. My mom flew to her feet along with my brother.

"Oh my God the baby's coming! She's in labor right now we need to start timing her contractions!" My mom screamed in excitement. Everyone was frozen. Jake paled and those steamy grey eyes turned a shade lighter. He was about to panick no doubt about it. His breathing increased. Jason came and scooped me up. While walking towards the couch we all heard a loud*thump*.

"Oh god that was the moment we needed to get on camera." I giggled while being placed on the sofa. Emily handed me twenty dollars due to the bet we made.

"Damn girl I can't believe you were right. For someone who been preparing who knew he would pass out?" Emily all but bursted out into a fit of laughter. What felt like hours later did Jake wake up while another crappy contraction hit. Screaming to the top of my lungs he flew towards me.

"Don't worry baby." He cooed.


(Eight hours later)

"One more push you can do it!" Dr.Rose encouraged me. I took a deep breath and with all the strength I had I pushed while cursing Jake the whole entire time. Five seconds later an amazing sound of my daughter's cries entered my ears. Tears slipped from my eyes as they handed her to me. Jake's eyes were watering as well when we looked down to see our beautiful baby girl.

"What's baby Davis name?" A nurse asked. I looked at Jake and he nodded.

"Isabella Faith Taylor." I said breaking out into a huge cheesy smile. The nurse my mom and Jake both mirrored my expression.

" Well welcome to the world Isabella Faith Taylor. Your going to be one spoiled princess." My mom cooed.

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