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I wake up to Daniel sleeping peacefully beside me. (A/N- little did the poor girl know that it wasn't all so peaceful inside his mind)

I pat his head and get up slowly from the bed trying to be as careful as possible since I don't want him to wake up so early. Just as I turn and try to leave I'm pulled back into the bed.

"Where do you think you're going so early in the morning?" asks Daniel as he pulls me closer to him with a smirk on his face.

"I'm going back to university today. Did you forget already? I told you last night, didn't I?"


"Yes! Seems like my husband can't remember anything about his own wife. How're you going to run the country in a few years~" I said jokingly poking his forehead.

"Haha I'm sorry!" he said pinching my cheeks

"Now let me go or I'm going to be late on my first day of the new semester"

"Okay okay, go on now" he said releasing me from his grip.

"I'll see you later in the evening~" I said.

"Okay" he said.

"Oh! I almost forgot"

"What is it?"

I quickly go up to him and give him a kiss on his forehead and quickly rush out of the room.

"Hey I was supposed to do that!" I could hear him shout. I giggled to myself and got ready for university.

As I was taking the bus I thought about what happened this morning. When I made a remark about him running the country I saw his smile drop for a second even though he tried to brush it away quickly. I wonder if something is wrong with the country's affairs. I should be of support to him. Maybe I should plan a surprise event for him! Okay~

Its evening now and I'm on my way back home after buying stuff for my surprise event. How do I hide these from him? I slowly open the door and rush inside and find one of the maids.

"Can you do me a favor and hide these stuff somewhere? Somewhere Daniel doesn't go often.." I said

"Oh okay I'll hide these in the storage room. By the way do you mind me asking what these are?" the woman asked.

"Ah! Daniel seems to be down so I was thinking of a surprise event. So can you please be secretive about this?"

"Aww~ A surprise event? That's so thoughtful of you! I'm sure the prince is going to love it!" she said.

I hop back happily into the room and prepare everything I need for tomorrow. I finish my dinner without Daniel since he told me not to wait for too long and try to sleep since he's busy.

It's midnight, I still can't sleep. I hear the door open and I act as if I'm asleep. Daniel comes in lays down beside me. He slowly strokes my hair and sighs.

"I never have time for you. You've always been alone for the past few days. Why did I marry you if I'm going to leave you by yourself all the time"

I could feel myself tearing up. I wanted to wake up immediately and tell him that everything is fine and that he's the one working hard for the country but something stops me. I want him to let out his frustrations thinking that I'm asleep, because he never shares his worries with me.

After a while he slowly falls asleep and I turn towards him hugging him tightly and pat his head. He's going through a lot, poor honey.

It's the next morning. I leave early since I have to prepare for a presentation. I rush to the bus stop when...

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