Chapter Fourteen

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  Picture is class pres/ Akame atleast the figure the face and hairstyle are not hers though.

  After hearing there voices I couldn't run knowing that I would be caught one way or another. I couldn't find a way to stall it, it's not like I did anything wrong.

  They were soaked in sweat surprising, how much did they run?

  "Why did you run off?" Akame said in disappointment. "I didn't run off I just got an early-" before I could finish I was interrupted by Hikari. " You made us run all throughout town and too school!"

  I started at her blankly unsure how to respond since I didn't make the run at all.


  I just want to run at that point and I could easily make an excuse since it began to rain.

  So I did, I jolted into the school into class where the new kid was, I already forgot his name.

  Everyone stared at me as I was breathing heavily and looked troubled. A boy that was in my class ever since I move got up and came to me.

  "What were you running from? I know you didn't just do it for enjoyment?" Before I could answer that question I heard Akame and Hikari running through the hall, but since they don't know what class I was in I would be able to hide.

  I noticed the vice class president sitting in the corner by a singular locker, most likely for teacher storage. I jolted to her as fast as I could.

  Still out of breath I managed to get out "Do you happen to have the keys to that Locker?" As I pointed in the direction of it.

  She nodded as I responded, "Can I get them really quick I need to hide from two savage beasts!" I exaggerated so I could maybe have a better Chance of getting in.

  Without a second thought she reached to her lanyard that was sitting in between her legs with atleast 100 keys and pulled one off the clip.

  "Thanks Vice pres!" I said as I opened the locker that surprisingly was empty which I have been praying  the whole time. 

  It also was a full locker not just 2 halves and I perfectly fit in it. I wasn't sure if they could hear me cause I was still breathing heavily. But I managed to stop.

  I also wondered if the people in my class would play along or rat me out since it was and akward entrance.

  I heard 2 people walk into the room and heard exactly what they said. No doubt it was Akame and Hikari asking the class if they had seen me, thankfully they played along.

I finally left the locker and began the class normally, but there was a note on my desk that had my name on it?

No chapter 15 today :( Early update tho! :)

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