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jack had been out with the guys but you hadn't gone with them as you didn't feel like it and you decided to give jack a boys night instead of him having you tagging along. it was nearly 2 o'clock in the morning and he still hadn't returned from his night out. you knew he was going to be out late so it didn't bother you that much.
he came home an hour later, dancing about with conor right behind him. you, jack and conor had lived together for nearly a year now. conor seemed more sober that jack, almost as if he had only a drink or two. jack swayed back and forward, singing random songs. conor helped jack sit on the couch as you went to the kitchen to collect 2 glasses of water for the maynard brothers. conor had thanked you but jack decided to make a comment. "look who decided to finally be useful" you looked over at conor who seemed just as shocked by jacks outburst as you did. "go away and whore about with my friends like you usually do" a loon of confusion filled you and conor's faces. jack had never been like this. "so who are you cheating on me with then? joe, josh. or make it even better and cheat on me with my own brother!" conor seemed appalled to what jack was concluding and he made this clear to the drunken boy. "what you trying to say bro?" jack looks up amd scoffs. "you know" conor shakes his head and steps towards his brother, but you stop him before he can do anything else. "conor stop!" you yell and push the boy back. even though jack was being hurtful and conor was trying to help, both boys were drunk in some level. conor backs off and sits behind you. "stop getting a slag to fight your issues!"jack exclaims. from the expression from conor you could tell he nearly lost it. you sighed. "look, guys i think we need to all go to bed and talk about this in the morning" you go to take jacks hand but before you can and before you can process anything, jack stands up and lifts his hand and slaps you. "get out off of me!" you lean in shock and tears fill your eyes. conor gasps and runs to you. he goes to his younger brother in a aggresive manner but again you stop him. "conor, take jack to his room and put him in bed okay? well talk about this later" conor sighs and nods while yanking his brother to his room. you sigh and sit on the couch, rubbing your face where your boyfriend slapped you. conor came down not long after and sat next to you. "you okay?" he asks and you nod. you check the time and look at conor. "you should go to bed. ill sleep here" "no, sleep in my bed" you shake your head and conor sighs and you head to get a blanket to sleep on the couch as there was no way you were sleeping with jack. you and conor say your goodnights. you snuggle on the couch and attempt to sleep....
the next morning
in the morning you awoke to conor and jack arguing in what sounded to be in the kitchen. you sat up and rubbed your eyes and decided to see what was happening. so you sat up and headed towards the kitchen. you opened the door slowly to reveal both angry maynard brothers. "guys?!" you yell, stopping the bickering brothers. they both look at you, conor angry and jack flustered. "y/n, what happened last night? because little jack was too wasted to remember" your eyes grew and jack looked at you in concern. "what?" he asks. he slowly walks towards you but conor stands between you both. "y/n, tell him" you sigh and gesture for the brothers to sit down. you sit across from jack and conor sat next to you. "okay, so last night... you went out with the boys. and you came home later angry and drunk of course... and you began arguing with conor... you insulted me and then i tried to help you get ready for bed, but you kind of..." you stop not sure if you should tell him. but conor continues for you. "you slapped her" jacks eye widen. you feel yourself sink into the seat. "is that true?" you nod. you look at conor and give him a look. he sighs and stands up. "i'll leave you both to talk" you look down as conor leaves. "i'm really sorry" you look at jack to see he has tears in his eyes. "it's fine... you were out of it.... and i was being pushy" jack angrily stands up and you get a fright. "why would you say that? it's not your fault. i should have known better" he runs his hands through his hair and you stand up. you walk towards him and take his hands. "jack no damage has been done... it was a accident and we can forget it" he lets go of your hands and puts his hands on your cheeks. "i love you so much. and i will never ever hurt you in anyway again" you wrap your arms around jack and he presses his head into your neck. and you stay like that for a while as conor sits in the living room, listening to every word. you and jack went through and conor and jack hugged it out.

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